The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

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Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Post by Raya » Tue Apr 27, 2021 8:15 am

Rufus Belgica wrote:
Mon Apr 26, 2021 10:05 pm
"Well, I am new to these parts. I don't know the steps, and I don't have a partner." He tries to offer a smile at both. "I've traveled to see the sights and learn more, so you would have a willing student, if an inexperienced one. Anything worth learning means looking foolish a while, if you are willing to suffer such a sight." He offers up his wine skin. "I hope sharing this would help repay you for the kindness"
Kezia wrote:
Mon Apr 26, 2021 10:27 pm
"Hm, a student, then? I think we could probably teach him, eh Raya?"
"We can teach him Kezia" Raya nodded with a smile, looking to the man "you know how to laugh yes? To smile, to feel. Dance is putting movement to emotion. Here we are free, we can throw the shackles of life and let things shine. Come, dance and be free" she offered a hand, knowing Kezia would do the same. It was a routine the two had done together a lot.
Ra'shari * Ninja * Dancer * Pretty * Lovely Voice * Sweet * Exciteable * Quiet when she wants to be * Profile
Influence: 1 | Reputation: 2.3 | Integrity: Untrustworthy
Equipment: Dancers clothing (almost all the time), a smile, a pack of cards and a bubbily attitude. Maybe a knife
Languages: Mekhem, Ra'Shari

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Rufus Belgica
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Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Post by Rufus Belgica » Tue Apr 27, 2021 10:17 am

Kezia wrote:
Tue Apr 27, 2021 12:08 am

"Good to meet you, Rufus. I'm Kezia."
Raya wrote:
Tue Apr 27, 2021 8:15 am
"We can teach him Kezia" Raya nodded with a smile, looking to the man "you know how to laugh yes? To smile, to feel. Dance is putting movement to emotion. Here we are free, we can throw the shackles of life and let things shine. Come, dance and be free" she offered a hand, knowing Kezia would do the same. It was a routine the two had done together a lot.
Well, even if this is a mistake, I would be kicking myself later for not trying the experience

"I have been told that I am capable of humor, upon occasion, mostly on accident" Rufus cracks a dry smile, taking each of their hands. There is a flicker in his eyes when he takes them, and he looks down at Kezia's for a moment.

Those are weapon callouses

He had built his own over the years. Raya's was softer, but the skin was toughened from work. He doubted these two were helpless waifs.

Why does that make them more attractive?

"Lead on ladies. I will enjoying learning what I can feel"
Yodotai | Warrior | Inquisitive | Not from Around Here | Obtuse to the finer things in life
Influence: City 1, Origin 1, Faction 1
Reputation: Glorious 1.2 Integrity: What is Expected
Carries: Pugio, charcoal and parchment, skin of vinum, camping equipment
For combat: Scutum, two pilum, gladius, chain shirt

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Aydi al-Qais
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Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Post by Aydi al-Qais » Tue Apr 27, 2021 10:30 am

Shaking off his bedazzlement, Aydi noticed Aydi getting a scent of something and disappearing deeper inside the Ra'shari camp.

"Wait!" He shouted, and ran after him.
Citizen of the Jewel | Khadi's Dog | Private Detective Otherwise | Accompanied by Dog | Shares Name with That Dog | Cheerful | Helpful | Also Dawg | Has a Grumbling Father Who Calls Him Good Boy
Integrity: Untrustworthy | Reputation: 1.3 | Influence: All 1

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Tarset Kishan
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Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Post by Tarset Kishan » Tue Apr 27, 2021 11:23 am

Qasim al-Basiri wrote:
Tue Apr 27, 2021 7:28 am
Qasim laughed a bit loosening up more as he felt her own mood relaxing and gave her a sly smile at the praise she redirected at him "Now now I would never presume to put myself on the same level as the great Ra'Shari when it comes to storytelling. I simply have packed much life into my years so far. If one aspires to be the best at what they do they must go to the extraordinary and not fear the outcome but rather embrace the chaos of possibility."

He then waved his hands dismissively his motion slightly more enthusiastic than necessary perhaps the drink beginning to take effect "and what is it you do here? I would assume some kind of trade that involves strength and or violence."
"Is it that obvious?" she smirked, then shrugged. "I've no one occupation I'm afraid. I suppose you'd call me a freelancer... muscle for hire if you will. There's always something to do, someone in need of help. Plenty who can't just turn to the guards."
Senpet | Warrior | Large | Strong | Hot-Headed
Influences 1/1/1
Glorious 0.0 | Infamous 1.0
Integrity: Untrustworthy

Carries: Traveling pack with essentials, 2 knives

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Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Post by Al-Haddar » Tue Apr 27, 2021 12:22 pm

Nasim ibn Jalil wrote:
Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:02 pm

Seeing someone who looked like they were expecting trouble, one way or another, Nasim moved towards the man.

"Salaam Aleikum, friend." He said with a smile. "Come to enjoy the sights same as everyone else I take it?" Nasim glanced back in time to see the dancing girls approach the foreigner and wondered briefly if their motive was business or pleasure.
Al-Haddar turned to face the newcomer though he kept an eye and an ear on his surroundings, catching snippets of conversations in several languages:

"Peace upon you too friend.

I try to be around as much as I can when the Ra'shari are in town. Opportunities always seem happy to flourish in their vicinity. And the view is not bad either."
Mekham • "Diplomat" • Peddler • Chatterbox • Bland
Influence: Simple citizen (1) | Reputation: None to speak of (1) | Integrity: What? (1.5)
Languages: Mekham, Senpet / Carries: Anything you might want to buy / Profile

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Aydi al-Qais
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Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Post by Aydi al-Qais » Tue Apr 27, 2021 12:28 pm

A man was chasing a dog across the camp. What was the thing Aydi was so hell-bent on sniffing out?
Citizen of the Jewel | Khadi's Dog | Private Detective Otherwise | Accompanied by Dog | Shares Name with That Dog | Cheerful | Helpful | Also Dawg | Has a Grumbling Father Who Calls Him Good Boy
Integrity: Untrustworthy | Reputation: 1.3 | Influence: All 1

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Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Post by Kezia » Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:04 pm

Rufus Belgica wrote:
Tue Apr 27, 2021 10:17 am
Raya wrote:
Tue Apr 27, 2021 8:15 am
"We can teach him Kezia" Raya nodded with a smile, looking to the man "you know how to laugh yes? To smile, to feel. Dance is putting movement to emotion. Here we are free, we can throw the shackles of life and let things shine. Come, dance and be free" she offered a hand, knowing Kezia would do the same. It was a routine the two had done together a lot.
Well, even if this is a mistake, I would be kicking myself later for not trying the experience

"I have been told that I am capable of humor, upon occasion, mostly on accident" Rufus cracks a dry smile, taking each of their hands. There is a flicker in his eyes when he takes them, and he looks down at Kezia's for a moment.

Those are weapon callouses

He had built his own over the years. Raya's was softer, but the skin was toughened from work. He doubted these two were helpless waifs.

Why does that make them more attractive?

"Lead on ladies. I will enjoying learning what I can feel"
"That's the spirit!"

If Kezia noticed the man chasing the dog, she gave no sign.

A bit of chaos was to be expected at any party worthy of the name, after all.

"Now, i saw you tapping your toe, so I know you can feel the rhythm..."
Ra'Shari * Warrior * A Bit Weird
Influence: 1/1/1 Reputation: Glorious 1.3/Infamous 0 Integrity: Untrustworthy
Typically Carries: A staff, two knives, and a slightly distracted air.

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Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Post by Raya » Tue Apr 27, 2021 6:53 pm

Rufus Belgica wrote:
Tue Apr 27, 2021 10:17 am
Well, even if this is a mistake, I would be kicking myself later for not trying the experience

"I have been told that I am capable of humor, upon occasion, mostly on accident" Rufus cracks a dry smile, taking each of their hands. There is a flicker in his eyes when he takes them, and he looks down at Kezia's for a moment.

Those are weapon callouses

He had built his own over the years. Raya's was softer, but the skin was toughened from work. He doubted these two were helpless waifs.

Why does that make them more attractive?

"Lead on ladies. I will enjoying learning what I can feel"
Kezia wrote:
Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:04 pm
"That's the spirit!"

If Kezia noticed the man chasing the dog, she gave no sign.

A bit of chaos was to be expected at any party worthy of the name, after all.

"Now, i saw you tapping your toe, so I know you can feel the rhythm..."
"Yes yes, and it's only a small hop from feeling the rhythm to letting the rhythm lead you Sidi" Raya nodded in agreement with her Ra'Shari sister, walking backwards as she pulled the man along, keeping a small eye out for charging men with dogs as she did so "listen to the music. Feel the music. Embrace the music."

Raya twirled as she walked backwards.

"You can do it sidi."
Ra'shari * Ninja * Dancer * Pretty * Lovely Voice * Sweet * Exciteable * Quiet when she wants to be * Profile
Influence: 1 | Reputation: 2.3 | Integrity: Untrustworthy
Equipment: Dancers clothing (almost all the time), a smile, a pack of cards and a bubbily attitude. Maybe a knife
Languages: Mekhem, Ra'Shari

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Rufus Belgica
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Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Post by Rufus Belgica » Tue Apr 27, 2021 6:58 pm

Rufus tried to turn along with the girls, not nearly as gracefully, but really getting into it. He tries to lead into a twirl.

"Where do I keep my hands? I doubt I'm lucky to keep hold of both of you all night"
Yodotai | Warrior | Inquisitive | Not from Around Here | Obtuse to the finer things in life
Influence: City 1, Origin 1, Faction 1
Reputation: Glorious 1.2 Integrity: What is Expected
Carries: Pugio, charcoal and parchment, skin of vinum, camping equipment
For combat: Scutum, two pilum, gladius, chain shirt

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Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Post by Kezia » Tue Apr 27, 2021 7:06 pm

Rufus Belgica wrote:
Tue Apr 27, 2021 6:58 pm
"Where do I keep my hands? I doubt I'm lucky to keep hold of both of you all night"
Kezia grinned.

"That is the question, isn't it?"

Her own free hand was occupied in keeping her skirt up and out of the way.
Ra'Shari * Warrior * A Bit Weird
Influence: 1/1/1 Reputation: Glorious 1.3/Infamous 0 Integrity: Untrustworthy
Typically Carries: A staff, two knives, and a slightly distracted air.

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