Shadow Plays (EA, Thoroughfare, Event)

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Ide Rettousei
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Re: Shadow Plays (EA, Thoroughfare, Event)

Post by Ide Rettousei » Fri May 27, 2022 7:22 pm

Following the fracas of the morning, Rettousei makes his way through the city, finding himself once again called forward to participate in things. He's clearly not from around here, and stories and songs seem always to be welcome. He manages to tell a decent enough tale, earning some applause. Emboldened, he sings, doing decently again and receiving more applause.

The Ide launches into a second song, pushing himself--and singing brilliantly, even if few around him know the words. A shower of coins rains down upon him, and he accepts the gifts without refusals--because that's what he was told to do here.

Perform: Storytelling / Awareness roll passed at 12,
Perform: Song / Awareness roll, Raised 2x to TN 25, passed at 27,
Making Money (viewtopic.php?f=30&t=86) with a second Perform: Song / Awareness roll, Raised 3x to TN 20, passed at 35,
+4 Day Points
+50 pool
Ide Rettousei
Rokugan-born Emissary
Influence 1/1/1 * Reputation 3.4/0.0 * Integrity is What You'd Expect
Blessed * Mellifluous
Speaking or Writing Mekhem, or Narrating * Speaking or Writing Rokugani * Thinking
Usually wears decent clothes, a hat when outside; carries wakizashi, coin purse, might have calligraphy set

"I'm confused."

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Re: Shadow Plays (EA, Thoroughfare, Event)

Post by Nihira » Fri May 27, 2022 11:03 pm

Always the entertainer, Nihira was ready for some physical performing. She couldn't dance and couldn't carry a tune but she grabbed a puppet and moved it in the most natural way possible. It wasn't professional level but it worked well for the story that was being told. Her controlled juggling added to the story by using each ball's shadow she threw up into the air to represent the sun and moon chasing each other through the sky as well as a few other things.

Perform:Puppeteering/Agility TN10 unskilled rolled 16 - 1 day point

Perform:Juggling/Agility TN15 two raises to TN25 rolled 41 - 2 day points

Total: 3 day points
Ra'Shari * Diplomat * Entertainer * Daredevil * Very honest * Stargazer * Asks questions * Why did it have to be snakes *
Influence: 1 | Reputation: 1 | Integrity: Honorless
Typically carries: Knife, well used robe, sling wrapped around her arm, stuff to juggle
Languages: Ra'Shari, Mekhem

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Re: Shadow Plays (EA, Thoroughfare, Event)

Post by Jewel » Sun May 29, 2022 6:04 am

Al-Haddar gains 1 Day Point
Asher gains 5 Day Points
Soraya al-Menjari gains 4 Day Points
Raya gains 1 Day Point
Qasim al-Basiri gains 2 Day Points
Faruq Al-Farhan gains 2 Day Points
Bazir gains 2 Day Points
Ide Rettousei gains 4 Day Points
Nihira gains 3 Day Points

This event is now closed
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