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[D1 EA] Work in the Winter Sun

Posted: Mon May 23, 2022 12:17 am
by Rufus Belgica
The sun is beading down as Rufus surveys the operation at the River district. That ruined school was tantalizingly close, but now was a different tantalyzing opportunity: Money. And someone wanted a second opinion rather than handing over a Senpet money blind.

"So you want to refine your brick works? Well, I would seriously consider making a kiln, but the fuel expense is going to be astronomical. If you want something sturdier, have you considered working out cement? If you manage to heat up the white silt from the riverbed, and mix with with ground pieces of bad brick and river water, you should be able to have a stronger binder."

The man running the operation seems happy and presses coins into the foreigner's hands.

Session 1 - Making Money - Engineering/Intelligence-+1k0 from school technique- VP spent-3 raises called-TN 20 | 7k4 ⇒ 24 (TN: 20) (Pass 50 pool acquired)