Q&A Lamis with the Ninja tag and no Stealth...

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Lamis Naaji
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Q&A Lamis with the Ninja tag and no Stealth...

Post by Lamis Naaji » Sat May 08, 2021 10:21 pm

Sure. I don't think she's likely to return to the city, given her general story, but I could be surprised depending on the setup for later games.
Mekham * Nomad * Ninja (secret) * Warrior-flavored (not secret) * Very new in town * Janan's rider
Influence-City 0, Origin 2, Faction 1 * Glorious 1, Infamous 0 * Integrity- Honorless

Equipment usually present: Comfortable Nomad's clothing and jewelry, Knife (Kindjal)

Languages: Mekham, Ivindi

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Re: Q&A Lamis with the Ninja tag and no Stealth...

Post by Kezia » Sat May 08, 2021 10:23 pm

So, you've mentioned an Assassin allegiance...

Any promising DNA donors Lamis might have gone after had she had more time?
Ra'Shari * Warrior * A Bit Weird
Influence: 1/1/1 Reputation: Glorious 1.3/Infamous 0 Integrity: Untrustworthy
Typically Carries: A staff, two knives, and a slightly distracted air.

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Ali ibn Farid
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Re: Q&A Lamis with the Ninja tag and no Stealth...

Post by Ali ibn Farid » Sat May 08, 2021 10:23 pm

So what was her deal, anyway? Ninja with no stealth? What even is that???

I gather she was an Assassin with a capital-A. What did that mean for her, and for this game?
Mekham * Ebonite (secret!) * Templar (also secret!) * Destiny! * Khadi's Dog
Influence: 1/1/1 * Reputation: Glorious 1.1 Infamous 1 * Integrity: Honorable
Carries on duty: Longsword, light armor, bow
Carries off duty: Sturdy Clothing, knife

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Lamis Naaji
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Re: Q&A Lamis with the Ninja tag and no Stealth...

Post by Lamis Naaji » Sat May 08, 2021 10:36 pm

Kezia wrote:
Sat May 08, 2021 10:23 pm
So, you've mentioned an Assassin allegiance...

Any promising DNA donors Lamis might have gone after had she had more time?
Faruq kept ticking boxes, so...she's actually asking him to come with. But whether that actually happens is up in the air since he has plenty of unresolved story in the city. XD
Ali ibn Farid wrote:
Sat May 08, 2021 10:23 pm
So what was her deal, anyway? Ninja with no stealth? What even is that???

I gather she was an Assassin with a capital-A. What did that mean for her, and for this game?
Yes, Assassin with a capital A, but not the branch trained to go do lots of murder for hire. There's a guardian school that's basically trained to shoot invaders at ye olde assassin homestead, injuring them enough that the bloodthirsty kids and retirees can finish gutting them. So it gets things like Archery, Investigation, and some bonuses to Perception and ignoring Reduction...but no Stealth. XD

She's out in the world husband hunting, as that 'genetic donors' thing is the other assassin goal. Cursed founder needs to have male descendants...he stays alive as long as that's the case. But, sons of the line are cursed. Often with deformity. Always with the fate of turning on their father. So producing his own male descendants is risky business and he hit upon the idea of sending his female descendants out to do the job. It's a really charming family dynamic.
Mekham * Nomad * Ninja (secret) * Warrior-flavored (not secret) * Very new in town * Janan's rider
Influence-City 0, Origin 2, Faction 1 * Glorious 1, Infamous 0 * Integrity- Honorless

Equipment usually present: Comfortable Nomad's clothing and jewelry, Knife (Kindjal)

Languages: Mekham, Ivindi

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