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Making Money

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 2:27 pm
by Jewel
Once per session you may make a Commerce/Intelligence check with a base TN of 5. Success earns Gentryx10 pool on success and for each raise. On a failed roll without raises the business breaks even. On a failed roll with raises you must pay 10 pool per raise. If unable to pay you may either lower the value of the Gentry advantage by 1 or take the Debt disadvantage.

(Example: Akbar rolls his Commerce check with 2 raises and succeeds. He has a Gentry 2 stall selling kebabs so he makes 60 pool. 20 for success and 20 per raise. If he had failed he would have had to pay 20 pool, 10 per raise, or risk Debt or losing a rank of Gentry.)

At the start of each new session gain 10 pool per rank of Wealthy

Once per session you may make an appropriate skill roll with a base TN of 5. Success earns a 10 pool per rank of applied skill plus 10 per successful raise.

Once per session you may make an Athletics/Stamina roll with a base TN of 5. Success earns 10 pool plus 10 per successful raise.

Only one type of roll may be made per session under these rules though players are able to devote in-game/thread time to crafting and finding buyers for services or created art. Wealthy triggers even if a roll is made.