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Time and You

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 7:40 am
by Jewel
We will be dividing days into 8 slots.

Early Morning (EM)
Late Morning (LM)
Early Afternoon (EA)
Late Afternoon (LA)
Early Evening (EE)
Late Evening (LE)
Early Night (EN)
Late Night (LN)

Medinaat al-Salaam is a desert metropolis and thus functions at all hours. Very often laborers sleep during the afternoon when Shilah is at her zenith and the day's heat is most unbearable and then work and live through the night and morning. That said the market is always busy and the streets are never empty even in the worst of times.

To regain Void and avoid taking penalties a PC must sleep for two consecutive timeslots unless they are Blessed or Cursed by the Realm of Sleep in which case they need one or three slots respectively.