Content and Sensitivity

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Content and Sensitivity

Post by Jewel » Tue Apr 20, 2021 5:11 am

While these games are intended to be lighter fare the world of Legend of the Burning Sands is one built on tyranny and oppression and such themes, as well as those of slavery, will undoubtedly be present even if not a primary focus.

As a game setting written by well intentioned, but not always well informed, individuals drawing on real world cultures and myths for inspiration to create a fantastical setting a certain level of cultural insensitivity and appropriation is baked into the game world and systems by default. As a GM who is well intentioned, but perhaps not always well informed, operating from outside of these source cultures I will strive not to amplify these issues beyond that base level but mistakes may occur.

This is most readily apparent in the Invinda. While the names of Hindu deities have been borrowed by the setting the beings bearing these names in LBS have little to no resemblance to their origins and should not be seen as representative, in any way, of their real life source religion.

Pertaining to the Ra'Shari please keep in mind that, while still commonly used in pop culture, 'gypsy' is slur that causes very real harm to very real people. This section is the only time the word should appear, and will be tolerated, on these boards.

For player stories the first and foremost rule is consideration for your fellow players so ensure that they are consenting to any such stories you wish to tell involving their characters and anything that may be especially sensitive or disturbing should be labelled as such. Scenes of sex are to be kept off screen with a fade to black. Scenes of graphic torture or sexualized violence must be kept off screen and events leading up to them, and their aftermath, should have a warning included.
GM • City of Stories
