A Fest of Arrows OOC

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Tarset Kishan
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Re: A Fest of Arrows OOC

Post by Tarset Kishan » Mon Apr 26, 2021 2:41 am

Soraya al-Menjari wrote:
Mon Apr 26, 2021 2:34 am
Is it wrong that I made a Dahabi bad at Commerce?
Break all the rules.
Senpet | Warrior | Large | Strong | Hot-Headed
Influences 1/1/1
Glorious 0.0 | Infamous 1.0
Integrity: Untrustworthy

Carries: Traveling pack with essentials, 2 knives

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Qasim al-Basiri
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Re: A Fest of Arrows OOC

Post by Qasim al-Basiri » Mon Apr 26, 2021 3:51 am

A face I have
Dahabi | Merchant | Luxurious | Proprietor of Light and Shadow Luxuries | Greedy | Dangerously Handsome |Man of Many Blessings
Integrity: To be expected Reputation: 1 Influence: 1
On Person: Fine Clothing, jewelry, expensive perfume

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Tarset Kishan
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Re: A Fest of Arrows OOC

Post by Tarset Kishan » Mon Apr 26, 2021 4:10 am

Next step; a flamboyant signature!
Senpet | Warrior | Large | Strong | Hot-Headed
Influences 1/1/1
Glorious 0.0 | Infamous 1.0
Integrity: Untrustworthy

Carries: Traveling pack with essentials, 2 knives

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Aydi al-Qais
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Re: A Fest of Arrows OOC

Post by Aydi al-Qais » Mon Apr 26, 2021 5:34 am

investigates sheets with rolls high and low
Citizen of the Jewel | Khadi's Dog | Private Detective Otherwise | Accompanied by Dog | Shares Name with That Dog | Cheerful | Helpful | Also Dawg | Has a Grumbling Father Who Calls Him Good Boy
Integrity: Untrustworthy | Reputation: 1.3 | Influence: All 1

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Arash Karuvah
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Re: A Fest of Arrows OOC

Post by Arash Karuvah » Mon Apr 26, 2021 6:05 am

Face checking time.

Also, Arash is a reasonably competent archer. Especially considering the amount of XP I put into advantages...
Invinda * Kshatriya * Warrior * Prodigy * Khadi's Hound * Betrothed
Influence: 1/3/1 * Reputation: 1.0 * Integrity: Honorable
Languages: Mekhem, Ivindi
Carries on duty: Tulwar, light armor, shield
Carries off duty: elegant clothing, kukri

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Tarset Kishan
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Re: A Fest of Arrows OOC

Post by Tarset Kishan » Mon Apr 26, 2021 6:09 am

The more competent archers, the better the show.
Senpet | Warrior | Large | Strong | Hot-Headed
Influences 1/1/1
Glorious 0.0 | Infamous 1.0
Integrity: Untrustworthy

Carries: Traveling pack with essentials, 2 knives

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Faruq Al-Farhan
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Re: A Fest of Arrows OOC

Post by Faruq Al-Farhan » Mon Apr 26, 2021 6:17 am

Oh look, we can *buy* competent archers!

Looks at coin purse

Mekham * Sahir * Serious but kind * Healer for the poor
Influence: City 1 Origin 1 Faction 1 Reputation: Glorious 2 Infamous 0 Integrity: Above question
Typically Carries: 2 knives, robe and sandals, small ring, incense brazier, medicine kit, sling, coin purse.

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Qasim al-Basiri
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Re: A Fest of Arrows OOC

Post by Qasim al-Basiri » Mon Apr 26, 2021 6:21 am

Well certainly coin put into the competition is as valuable as skill
Dahabi | Merchant | Luxurious | Proprietor of Light and Shadow Luxuries | Greedy | Dangerously Handsome |Man of Many Blessings
Integrity: To be expected Reputation: 1 Influence: 1
On Person: Fine Clothing, jewelry, expensive perfume

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Soraya al-Menjari
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Re: A Fest of Arrows OOC

Post by Soraya al-Menjari » Mon Apr 26, 2021 6:28 am

It's almost like people are having a contest to see just how many of their points they can put into advantages. Not that I was immune to that temptation myself... even if I did ultimately resist the temptation to take Animal Ken...
Mekham * Dahabi * House Menjari * Diplomat * Princess * Naive * Gorgeous * Pampered * Curious * Lustful * Khadi's Lover
City 3 Origin 3 Faction 1 | Reputation: Glorious 2 Infamous 0 | Integrity: What is expected
Typically Carries: Exquisite clothing, jewelry, coin purse

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Qasim al-Basiri
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Re: A Fest of Arrows OOC

Post by Qasim al-Basiri » Mon Apr 26, 2021 6:33 am

it was with a heavy heart i erased my gorilla companion from my sheet, alas 25 points in advantages seemed a tad excessive
Dahabi | Merchant | Luxurious | Proprietor of Light and Shadow Luxuries | Greedy | Dangerously Handsome |Man of Many Blessings
Integrity: To be expected Reputation: 1 Influence: 1
On Person: Fine Clothing, jewelry, expensive perfume

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