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Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 6:01 am
by Jewel
What the public know:

Few within Medinaat al-Salaam know of the Jackals by name but everyone knows to fear the dark and hidden places. Disappearances, murders, and lurking ghuls are all hushed and whispered rumors and none but the bravest would take a short cut through the sewers of the city even on the hottest of days. Those who know of the Jackals know them as an underground criminal organization, or cult, that seems to have enmity with the Order of the Ebon Hand.

What the Jackals know:

The Ebonites believe they protect the world from what lurks within the Stone. They are wrong. They have fallen under its sway and will doom everyone. They slaughter those who see the truth, who 'fail' their tests, unless the Jackals can spirit them away first. They must be stopped before the monster within awakens and if that means that the Jackals must become monsters themselves - so be it. The fate of the world is worth one's reputation, even one's soul, and the darkest of deeds are justified if they prevent the end of the world. The Caliph and her Khadi seek to destroy other mystics and magical artifacts so the Jackals keep to the shadows and the sewers. Out of sight and out of mind as they grow their numbers, and their power, for the final conflict with the Order.

Schools & Paths:
Path: Seeker of Truth

Advantages & Disadvantages:
Servant: Torturer (2 less)
Blessing of Hanam

Dark Secret