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Under Her Eye (EA, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 9:00 am
by Jewel
For conversations and interactions during the event.

Re: Under Her Eye (EA, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 2:53 pm
by Tarset Kishan
This was... different. And unexpected/

Tarset watched, awaiting the first contestant. Things just got quite interesting.

Re: Under Her Eye (EA, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 3:01 pm
by Asher
Having missed much of the competition since the opening ceremonies as he was running some errands, Asher and Jadzia are in the stands today, even if the competition is during his normal sleep cycle.

Re: Under Her Eye (EA, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 5:10 pm
by Faruq Al-Farhan
Since hearing what today's competition would consist in, Faruq showed a crease in his brow that seemed to refuse to go away. He had managed to talk to some among the organisers, asking them to be the last one to shoot today, since he could provide at least some medical assistance to those who might need it after their time in the showdown.

The Khadi and most of her entourage hadn't seem too worried about that - in fact, the moment he asked seemed like it might have been the first time the organisers actually entertained the possibility that someone might need healing. When he offered to do it himself, they at least agreed to it easily enough.

So he placed himself at the front of the crowd, ready to be among the observers for most of the event, hoping his actual help wouldn't be needed too soon...

... and then his Ivindi friend stepped forward as the first competitor, and the Khadi's shot left him bleeding profusely on the ground.

The crease in his brow deepened, and his eyes barely hid some anger. It seemed clear from the very start, to him, what the spectacle the Khadi had prepared for today was, first and foremost.

A blatant display of her power, her virtual invincibility.

He shook his head, trying to let the thoughts and emotions fade away as he ran towards the field with his medical equipment in tow, falling to the ground besides his friend.

"Rafiq Arash, hang on", he said in a low voice as if trying to calm him down, half knowing the Ivindi probably couldn't hear his words.

The help he can provide with what he has in hand can only do so much for such a nasty wound, but he manages to at least get his friend out of danger, the bleeding properly stopped and the deep injury cleaned and bandaged.

He kept kneeling down besides him for a while. "My apologies, Rafiq... I know this is not much, but I hope it will keep you steady at least", he says, still unsure whether Arash can actually hear him.

D4 EA Under her Eye - Healing Arash. TN 15: 5d10o10k3 18

D4 EA Under her Eye - Wounds healed on Arash: 1d10o10k1 6

Re: Under Her Eye (EA, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 5:40 pm
by Aydi al-Qais
Aydi witnessed the whole thing with a bit of dread; it was when the the blatant cruelty ingrained in the regime was in full display. He just hoped people wouldn't die because of this. His medical skills were inferior to his father's, but they'd have to make do if nothing else was available for the wounded. He got the basic utensils and tools ready, just in case.

[Aydi has 4k3 Medicine roll.]

Re: Under Her Eye (EA, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 5:47 pm
by Faruq Al-Farhan
Ali ibn Farid wrote:
Wed May 05, 2021 5:24 pm
It was an ugly business. Ali loosed arrow after arrow, hoping to land one in the creature. The Khadi loosed arrow after arrow back. One after another thunked into him, until he could stand no more.

Grimacing, he fell to his knees, eyes blazing. And then, the light in them dimmed, and he fell in the dirt.

Dimmed, but there was still a spark...


Note; misread the rules, thought she didn't start shooting until we tried to shoot her twice. Shot 3 would have had wound penalties, but it missed anyway

Shoot the Khadi! Shot 1, EbonR1 +1k0, TN25: 6d10o10k3 21
Khadi Shoot me! Shot 1, willow, TN20: 7d10ro1o10k4 41
Khadi Shoot me! damage: 5d10o10k2 13 VP to 3
Shoot the Khadi! Shot 2, EbonR1 +1k0, TN25: 6d10o10k3 17
Khadi Shoot me! Shot 2, willow, TN20: 7d10ro1o10k4 40
Khadi Shoot me! damage 2: 5d10o10k2 36 - VP to 26
Shoot the Khadi! Shot 3, EbonR1 +1k0, TN25: 6d10o10k3 20
Khadi Shoot me! Shot 3: 7d10ro1o10k4 36
Khadi Shoot me! Damage 3: 5d10o10k2 15
Great Destiny activates - Ali is Down
Just as Arash was helped out of the field, another one he had learned to call a friend stepped in... and another frightening display of the Khadi's power and invincibility follows.

The man with the chequered Keffiyeh rushed forward again, his face set in a neutral expression this time, although the anger still rages deep inside his eyes.

He looks at Ali's limp body for a moment. "Rafiq Ali", he whispers, worry now clear in his brow...

Faruq kneels, his hands hesitantly touching the areas close to the arrows stick stuck in his body, then slowly reaching for the man's face... and he lets out a long sigh of relief, releasing tension he hadn't fully noticing he had been holding.

Ali was breathing. He felt it shouldn't have been possible with the wounds he had suffered, but he was.

He quickly reached for his tools, tried his best to at least carefully remove the arrows while using the necessary measures to keep the blood from gushing out, clean the wounds... then see if there was anything else he could do.

Sadly, what he could actually do was precious little. Still... it was something, and seeing the man still breathing gave Faruq some small measure of peace, at least.

D4 EA Under her Eye - Healing Ali, TN 15: 5d10o10k3 23
D4 EA Under her Eye - Wounds healed on Ali: 1d10o10k1 2 -> Ergh.

Ali should be at 36 wounds after GD and 2 healing...

Re: Under Her Eye (EA, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 6:01 pm
by Faruq Al-Farhan
The next contestant steps up for the horrifying show, and thankfully stops before she is in the same state as Faruq's two friends. Still, Faruq steps forward again to offer his help - and as a welcome change, Yarut can actually walk back on her own to receive it.

Again, salty water, tinctures and bandages can only do so much, but this time he feels better, as he manages to help her enough to move and act with only minor difficulty.

D4 EA Under her Eye - Healing Yarut, TN 15: 5d10o10k3 25

D4 EA Under her Eye - Wounds healed on Yarut: 1d10o10k1 9 - puts her at 25-9 = 14 wounds, so she should be only Nicked (-3) now.

Re: Under Her Eye (EA, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 6:36 pm
by Al-Haddar
"Pistachios? Who wants some pistachios?"

Al-Haddar's voice was way less assured and quieter than the previous days. The show had moved from family friendly to blood and gore very quickly.

And while it actually appeared to stimulate the appetite of some spectators and did wonder for his sales (as well as those of other food merchants, and especially of people selling alcohol), the whole thing was deeply unsettling.

Bodies were dropped on the side and some people were apparently taking care of them, though Al-Haddar wasn't sure they could do much more than providing the last rites at this point. The city guard was certainly dead for one, ripped apart by a rain of arrows. With bosses like that, you don't need enemies.

Re: Under Her Eye (EA, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 6:52 pm
by Kezia
Al-Haddar wrote:
Wed May 05, 2021 6:36 pm
"Pistachios? Who wants some pistachios?"

Kezia, her only injury a thin scrape on her left cheek, closed on the peddler.

"Thrilled to be alive and some pistachios sound wonderful."

Re: Under Her Eye (EA, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 6:55 pm
by Asher
Asher from his position in the stands nods and smiles in the direction of Faruq as he seems to intercept each contestant and treat them.