Busy Eyes, Busy Hands (LM, The Desert, Observer Event)
Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 10:38 am
Whether the competitor succeeds or fails horse archery is bound to end up a spectacular show either way. A spectacular show means focused attention. Focused attention means a lack of greater awareness. A lack of greater awareness means pickpocket heaven.
Will you fall victim? Will you bring justice? Or will you make a profit?
(This event is only open to non-archers and non-sponsors.
An observer may choose not to partake in the event and is not at risk of penalty if they do.
While the Khadi is focused on archery there is still a crowd of eyes. Subtle Casting is unopposed but has its TN increased by +10.
Eyes in the Back of My Head
Roll Perception/Investigation (Notice) TN20. While not an ambush Wary still triggers.
Success allows continuing the event. Successful raises grant an Event Point per raise.
On a failed roll the participant loses 10% of their remaining money. Each failed raise increases this loss by 10%.
Stop! Thief!
Now that you've spotted a pickpocket amongst the crowd choose one of the following approaches:
After Them! - Roll Athletics/Agility (Running) TN15 to navigate the crowd faster than the fleeing thief.
On the Trail! - Roll Hunting/Perception (Tracking) TN15 to follow their path to justice.
Outfox the Fox! - Roll Lore:Underworld/Intelligence TN15 to be already waiting for them at their destination.
Success on any of these approaches grants one Event Point plus one Event Point per raise.
Failure on any of the approaches ends participation in the event without reward. Failed raises add +0.1 Infamous Reputation per failed raise as people mistake you for a thief.
Join the Fun! - Roll Sleight of Hand/Agility (Pickpocket) TN15 to ignore the thief and grab some coin of your own.
Success on this approach grants one Event Point plus one Event Point per raise.
Failure ends participation in the event without reward and adds +0.5 Infamous Reputation. Failure with raises additionally grants the Bounty (2) disadvantage as your target takes it personally.
In either case lose Integrity as per 'Being an accomplice to a minor crime'
Justice or Mercy
Characters who chose to Join the Fun skip this step.
Now that you've captured a pickpocket you have an important decision to make - pick an approach:
Justice! - Justice in Medinaat al-Salaam is draconian, this choice triggers Soft Hearted.
You may choose to either gain an Event Point or to gain +0.2 Glorious Reputation
Mercy - Mercy in Medinaat al-Salaam is rare, this choice triggers Insensitive.
You may choose to either gain an Event Point or to gain Integrity as per 'Showing kindness to one beneath your station'
If you chose Join the Fun double your Event Points but they may only be redeemed for Pocket the Spoils.
Pocket the Spoils - Who knows who the rightful owner is, it might as well be you. Gain 10 pool per Event Point.
Return the Booty - Effort, and honesty, bring rewards. Greedy characters must deduct one Event Point to select this option. Spend 2 Event Points to gain a 1/1 Ally. You may spend additional Event Points to increase the Influence and/or Devotion of the Ally. Devotion may not be increased higher than 2. You may purchase multiple Allies with this approach if you have sufficient Event Points.)
Will you fall victim? Will you bring justice? Or will you make a profit?
(This event is only open to non-archers and non-sponsors.
An observer may choose not to partake in the event and is not at risk of penalty if they do.
While the Khadi is focused on archery there is still a crowd of eyes. Subtle Casting is unopposed but has its TN increased by +10.
Eyes in the Back of My Head
Roll Perception/Investigation (Notice) TN20. While not an ambush Wary still triggers.
Success allows continuing the event. Successful raises grant an Event Point per raise.
On a failed roll the participant loses 10% of their remaining money. Each failed raise increases this loss by 10%.
Stop! Thief!
Now that you've spotted a pickpocket amongst the crowd choose one of the following approaches:
After Them! - Roll Athletics/Agility (Running) TN15 to navigate the crowd faster than the fleeing thief.
On the Trail! - Roll Hunting/Perception (Tracking) TN15 to follow their path to justice.
Outfox the Fox! - Roll Lore:Underworld/Intelligence TN15 to be already waiting for them at their destination.
Success on any of these approaches grants one Event Point plus one Event Point per raise.
Failure on any of the approaches ends participation in the event without reward. Failed raises add +0.1 Infamous Reputation per failed raise as people mistake you for a thief.
Join the Fun! - Roll Sleight of Hand/Agility (Pickpocket) TN15 to ignore the thief and grab some coin of your own.
Success on this approach grants one Event Point plus one Event Point per raise.
Failure ends participation in the event without reward and adds +0.5 Infamous Reputation. Failure with raises additionally grants the Bounty (2) disadvantage as your target takes it personally.
In either case lose Integrity as per 'Being an accomplice to a minor crime'
Justice or Mercy
Characters who chose to Join the Fun skip this step.
Now that you've captured a pickpocket you have an important decision to make - pick an approach:
Justice! - Justice in Medinaat al-Salaam is draconian, this choice triggers Soft Hearted.
You may choose to either gain an Event Point or to gain +0.2 Glorious Reputation
Mercy - Mercy in Medinaat al-Salaam is rare, this choice triggers Insensitive.
You may choose to either gain an Event Point or to gain Integrity as per 'Showing kindness to one beneath your station'
If you chose Join the Fun double your Event Points but they may only be redeemed for Pocket the Spoils.
Pocket the Spoils - Who knows who the rightful owner is, it might as well be you. Gain 10 pool per Event Point.
Return the Booty - Effort, and honesty, bring rewards. Greedy characters must deduct one Event Point to select this option. Spend 2 Event Points to gain a 1/1 Ally. You may spend additional Event Points to increase the Influence and/or Devotion of the Ally. Devotion may not be increased higher than 2. You may purchase multiple Allies with this approach if you have sufficient Event Points.)