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A bit of Tidying (D2 LA Desert - Ra'Shari camp)

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 7:40 am
by Raya
(Expecting but Ra'Shari camp is always open!)

The Ra'Shari camp was quieter than usual. Not because of lack of Ra'Shari - there was a lot of them around - but because of lack of visitors. Raya made a small 'hmph' sound as she moved around doing some cleaning. Setting up the campfires, clearing up some parts of the camp that hadn't been cleared up at all. She was slightly distracted thinking of the incident earlier that day, and just sung to herself as she went about. It wasn't the best singing, but it was passable.

D2 LA singing 1 raise: 5d10o10k4 17

Re: A bit of Tidying (D2 LA Desert - Ra'Shari camp)

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 9:22 am
by Kezia
For her part, Kezia was testing the balance on her new knife- and joining in with the song, albeit quietly.

She wasn't the songbird Raya was, by any means, but she was in pretty solid form today.

Re: A bit of Tidying (D2 LA Desert - Ra'Shari camp)

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:20 pm
by Tarset Kishan
It was always a quiet bustle at the Ra'Shari camps when they were in town, but compared to the crowded teem of the evening before, it was practically peaceful as Tarset made her way in. It certainly helped that the afternoon heat still baked down, meaning many were in the shade relaxing.

Tarset didn't mind a bit of sweat and sun, and it seemed neither did the singer. Either singer actually, but she wasn't quite certain about approaching both when her aim had been the one. She didn't wish to interrupt, so as she got near Raya, she found a spot under a canopy to lean and listen.

Re: A bit of Tidying (D2 LA Desert - Ra'Shari camp)

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:50 pm
by Raya
Raya hadn't heard the Senpet woman arrive, despite the quietness. She caught a hint of movement out of the corner of her eye but assumed it was one of the kids playing.

"Serga if you've got nothing better to do then do some clearing" She stood up and was about to toss the broom over but stopped herself when she saw it wasn't one of the children, but instead a rather large Senpet woman.

"Oh, hello! Sorry, I did not expect visitors with the competition going on."

Re: A bit of Tidying (D2 LA Desert - Ra'Shari camp)

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:59 pm
by Tarset Kishan
Tarset put a fist to her chest and gave a curt how in greetings. "My apologies sayedda. I didn't wish to interrupt now any more than I did last eve. I pray that I didn't stop you."

Re: A bit of Tidying (D2 LA Desert - Ra'Shari camp)

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 8:51 pm
by Raya
"You're less of an interruption than some of the kids have been lately" Raya said with a shrug "just doing some tidying, but that can wait. Welcome to the...less loud camp! It is quieter here with the competition, yes? How can i assist?"

Re: A bit of Tidying (D2 LA Desert - Ra'Shari camp)

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 9:18 pm
by Tarset Kishan
Tarset gave a soft grunt. "Yeah, sure is. Uh... right. So... was just here last night and heard you singing. Was just curious what you sing about. Don't understand Ra'Shari, but I like songs, and was curious."

One of her hands went up under her hair to rub at the back of her back.

Re: A bit of Tidying (D2 LA Desert - Ra'Shari camp)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 12:40 pm
by Raya
"Sayyeda is a singer?"

Raya began to smile more.

"I was simply singing a song about...well, cleaning this time" she laughed "I just get inspiration in a moment and sing. Much like when I dance, I dance the moment. To me, the moment you are in is the most important moment, so why not turn that moment into something others can also enjoy?"

Re: A bit of Tidying (D2 LA Desert - Ra'Shari camp)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 4:43 pm
by Tarset Kishan
Tarset quickly shook her head. "No no, not a singer. I mean, not in any way that would do any song justice. So,,, you make up songs as you go then? That sounds... difficult, I suppose." Her brow furrowed, as if looking for the best way to describe it.

After a moment, she just seemed to settle a bit, her stance relaxing. "So the dancing's the same way? Tou don't have a set dance that you practice, but just make that up as well?"

Re: A bit of Tidying (D2 LA Desert - Ra'Shari camp)

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 11:13 am
by Raya
(My apology, lost track of things after having a day away)

"Sayyeda, do you plan and practice your smiles? Your frowns? Your laughs and joys? To me, a song and dance are the same as a smile; they are in the moment, they are felt. It's part of who we are" Raya smiled "when one feels they need to express themselves in ways that a smile cannot show well, why not express it in song or in dance?"