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Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Event)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:38 am
by Jewel
Outside the city gates an area has been prepared for the competition. People throng to fill the benches that have been set up with many more choosing to stand and cluster around for a better view. Only the side down range is bereft of spectators as the few foolish enough to try to take up a spot there are shooed away by guards.

Along the range four targets have been set up at various intervals and the task is simple. Hit as many targets as possible with better scores for accuracy and distance.

(There are four targets: TN5, TN10, TN15, and TN20

Each archer has three shots and may shoot at any target. (All 3 at TN5, all 3 at TN20, any combination of targets, etc.)

The roll is Archery/Reflexes and is considered non-combat. However some combat techniques may apply - please ask in the GM questions thread if you think yours might.

Magic is highly not recommended as there is a very fixated Khadi watching this unfold. Any subtle casting will be an opposed roll.

Archers are provided a bow if they do not have one. Either short bow or long bow depending on their strength.

Points are scored in the following manner:
One point per successful hit
One point if all three hit
One additional point per hit on the TN20 target
One point to the archer with the most raises on each target. In the case of a tie in number of raises it goes to the highest roll. If roll and raises are both tied all involved in the tie get the point.

Winners will be ranked on total points, best distance, most total raises, and then Khadi's discretion in case of further ties.

1st place wins: 5 copper and +.3 Glorious Reputation
2nd place wins: 3 copper and +.2 Glorious Reputation
3rd place wins: 1 copper and +.1 Glorious Reputation
Anyone with 0 points total who called raises on any of the three rolls gains +.2 Infamous Reputation)

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Event)

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 10:18 am
by Arash Karuvah
Arash moved forward, his bow in his hand. He took a deep breath, and withdrew the arrow, bright peacock feathers in its fletching.

May Indra bless my aim.

He did.

He withdrew yet another arrow.

Rama, guide my arm.

He did.

Finally, the third arrow. He let out a breath.

Lakshmi, may your fortune smile upon me.

Oh, she did.

Three arrows, all stuck in the same target, farthest line in distance. He raised his bow above his head, and retreated for now

D2 EE Round 1 Fight! Archery/Reflexes, Prodigy, Strength of Indra, VP for +1k1, 2 CR, tn 30: 8d10o10k4 41
D2 EE Round 1 Fight! Archery/Reflexes, Prodigy, Strength of Indra, VP for +1k1, tn 20: 8d10o10k4 33
D2 EE Round 1 Fight! Archery/Reflexes, Prodigy, Strength of Indra, tn 20: 7d10o10k3 26

3 points for hitting 3 targets.
3 points for hitting tn 20-s.
1 point for hitting all 3

7 so far.

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Event)

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 1:52 pm
by Kezia
Kezia turned the borrowed bow over in her hands, eyed the targets, and very nearly spat on the ground before realziing it would probably be a bad look in front of the Khadi, who might not take it in the intended spirit.

So she took aim at her first target, and exhaled slowly.

Bull's eye.

Shoulda gone for the hard one, let's do that next!

Well, I got close.

All right, let's try to end this with a little dignity...

A bit more like it.

Why couldn't this insane semi-ghul go for knives or something?

[2 whole points, YAY!]

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Event)

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 2:52 pm
by Lamis Naaji
Lamis quietly inspects bow and arrows while waiting her turn to shoot, coiling and uncoiling her bowstring, feeling for thinning spots at it runs through her fingers. Fletching is gently smoothed. Little rituals keeping hands busy as she observes each competitor. The stance and shift at hip and shoulder speaking volumes about training.

For herself, she was less comfortable with these frozen targets. Only her very earliest training had been on anything unmoving. So she drew and fired as if hunting...arrow to string, pull and fire too fast for the nervous hare react before the arrow's through it.

The first struck true, burying itself deep in the center of the target. Feeling more confident, she aimed to split that one, finding the splintering *crack* satisfying after the steady dull thunks of the heavy targets.

Trying to split the second, she comes close enough for it to bounce the arrow aside from the target entirely. The cost of shooting for her own entertainment instead of that of their patron perhaps.

Still. She'd have been coming home successful from a real hunt. There is a murmured prayer to the strength of her bow and the blessing of the thin breeze as she steps away and unstrings.


Day 2 Competition: 1st Shot Void for +1k1 TN20: 7d10o10k4 48 hit
Day 2 Competition: 2nd Shot Void for +1k1 TN25 (sure Orokos, I'll take the bait and call one Raise): 7d10o10k4 34 hit
Day 2 Competition: 2nd Shot Void for +1k1 TN25 (I saw those ones, kiddo. Sticking to one raise): 7d10o10k4 23 miss

One point per successful hit: 2
One additional point per hit on the TN20 target: 2

4 points

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Event)

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 4:36 pm
by Qasim al-Basiri
The archer sponsored by the merchant Qasim stepped into the ring and made good on his boasts of her accuracy landing three successive shots in the same spot pushing the previous arrow out of the way rather than splitting the shafts.

There was a professional manner to her shots with little flash or flair. As the last arrow landed she nodded and walked away to the cheers of the crowd.

D2 Archery sponsored archer 3 shots all at TN 20 target 1 raise tn 25 spend void each one for +1k1: 3#8d10o10k4 30 38 32
3 points for shots
3 points for tn 20
1 point for all shots made

7 total with 3 total raises on tn 20 target

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Event)

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 9:18 pm
by Rufus Belgica
Rufus steps up to the line, trying to plan out his display. The Yodotai legions considered the bow to be a tool of auxilia, and not standard practice, but hunting bows were still in force out in Gallim. Rufus picks the second closest target, but rather than a careful aim he goes for a quick draw. Rather than look impressive, the shot whistles wide. Rufus frowns, but he had a backup (if you could call it that), going for another rapid fire shot at the same target. This time, it hits dead center.

Finally, Rufus takes aim at the furthest target, trying to at least show off that he has some range. This one also hits home

Drat. If only that first one hadn't gone wide

Rufus lets out a sigh before heading back to the crowd

Round 1 Flight-Shot 1, TN 10 target with 1 raise (15 effective) Archery/Reflexes: 4d10o10k3 13
Round 1 Flight-Shot 1, TN 10 target with 2 raise (20 effective) Archery/Reflexes-VP Spent: 5d10o10k4 26
Shot 3-TN 20, Archery/Reflexes-VP spent: 5d10o10k4 33

3 points pending
3 raises on TN 10 target

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Event)

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 10:44 pm
by Faruq Al-Farhan
Seeing the other competitors' performance, Faruq let out a silent chuckle. He knew he was badly outclassed. He had no experience at all with a bow - and it had been so long he had ever held one it might as well have been his first attempt at shooting.

Unlike the others so far, he decided to keep to the easiest target. He held the short bow in his hands, felt its weight, tried to extend it once, then tried to take aim.

It wasn't a particularly good shot, but it hit the target alright.

The second shot, on the other hand, was.... exactly what he had expected that might happen. He wasn't lying when he said he hoped to learn... and if one learns from one's mistakes, that was definitely an opportunity for learning. The arrow left the bow almost as if it were dancing a rhythm it had never heard, after a bottle and a half of wine - or arak. It missed the easy target by a wide margin... but not only that, it almost hit the foot of one of the Dahabi merchants standing to the side.

He looked to where the shot had landed, slightly worried. It looked like no-one had been accidentally hurt... so he had avoided the worst of the worst, at least.

Taking a deep breath, he held the bow up again for the third shot... and it actually hit the target.

He stepped back as demurely as he had come in, returned the bow he had been given with a wry smile, and waited to see how the next competitors did...

D2 EE - Pedestrian shootin'! Three Archery/Ref rolls vs TN 5: 3#2d10k2 9 2 17 -> Whooooo snake eyes! :lol:

Edit: after the fiasco I forgot to add the points - 2 targets hit, so 2 points. That's something I guess!

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Event)

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 1:57 am
by Ali ibn Farid
It wasn't much. Ali was no trick shooter, nor an expert marksman. But he'd at least had a bit of practice putting arrows in targets.

Stepping up to the line, he grimaced, lifting his bow. It was on the smaller size; he could certainly have handled a bigger one. But, well, again, it did the job.

His draws were smooth and steady, and he loosed the arrows in a competent, workmanlike way. Perhaps it wasn't enough to win any prizes, but it was enough to show what he could do.

With a content smile, Ali stepped back into the crowd.


D2EE Shoot Far Target, VP 1k1, TN 20, roll 1: 6d10o10k4 38
D2EE Shoot Far Target, VP 1k1, TN 20, roll 2: 6d10o10k4 27
D2EE Shoot Far Target, TN 20, roll 3: 5d10o10k3 28

Far target 3 times - 6 points
All arrows hit - 1 point
7 points total

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Event)

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 3:59 am
by Sada-al-Haffit
The Rashiri Sada sponsered did not do well this day.

Round 1, Flight TN 20 base, 2 raises, Void Point: 7d10o10k4 30
Round 1, Flight TN 20 base, 2 raises, Void Point: 7d10o10k4 28
Round 1, Flight TN 20 base, 2 raises, Void Point: 7d10o10k4 23

1 passed roll, TN 20 target, 2 points

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Event)

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:08 am
by Nasim ibn Jalil
Nasim took his turn at the blocks, pulling experimentally on the string of his bow for a moment before taking aim at his first choice as target. It was one of the closer targets, but a point was a point. The City dweller put a little bit of flair into the shot for the crowd and as a result very nearly missed his target. Nasim stared at the target for a moment and grunted before moving onto the next arrow, nocking it and pulling back he aimed at the target a little further out. Nasim concentrated for a moment before releasing again and once more the arrow barely sunk into the target. Nasim let out a disgruntled sigh and nocked his final arrow. With a slow breath, Nasim lifted the bow he had been given and pulled back on the string, aiming at the farthest target he let loose. The arrow launched from the bow like a thing possessed, burying itself squarely in the target with intent that belied either that Nasim was far more talented than his first shots had let on or he had gotten quite lucky with that last shot.

Still, with all three arrows fired, Nasim looked fairly pleased with himself as he took a step back, handed the bow back, and gave an appreciative wave to the audience.

First Shot: 21 Two raises called
Second Shot: 21 One Raise called
Third Shot: 59 No Raises

5 Points