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Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 8:02 am
by Lamis Naaji
Aydi al-Qais wrote:
Sat May 01, 2021 6:46 am
"In this case your logic is correct, since I am no nobility, far from it. If you hear a name like Menjari, Basiri, Hazaad, Haffit, Enour and several others, then you may need to adjust the way you would before a combination of power, status, wealth, vanity and entitlement." He smirked, having spoken the last words behind covered lips.

"From what you say, it looks like you may be in contact with the Khorsan as well. They trade in fabrics in that area, don't they? In the ruins of Jandarah no less."

He noticed being indulged a little and smiled at that. Aydi was not a few scholars, but he might be considered a quarter of one by someone who knew him better. "But you're correct I am not prying your secrets, Sayyeda. It's a mortal mistake in this city, since almost everyone is a part of something they wouldn't like to speak about in a street. Secrets is often stronger coin than copper, and I am no robber." Though, by that logic, I can consider myself a tax collector. He thought to himself.
"Hmm, yes. Those are names to conjure...something...with, even farther out than our usual travels." Mostly they conjure derision as examples of the corruption and decadence of city life. But also...a certain grudging allowance that some of them have enviable trade acumen to perhaps emulate. Something of that might be found in her dust dry tone.

"I've not been to Jandarah myself, but I've heard they trade there. We've crossed paths with them here and there*, even have at least one of ours set to marry into what I think is a smaller family among them. Our horses have gone from trading for cotton and water to trading for linen and coin in recent years." Her wry smile is all the commentary needed about the say such trade somehow raises the value of potential husbands and wives as well.

Tapping one calloused finger against her chin, she considers. "So, not royal, and apparently not a robber, thank goodness. I'm too new in town to want my reputation muddied already by conversing with thieves! You seem too well kept for a scholar...or maybe I've only seen the scruffy, obsessed ones, and there are others that are more sensible? _Not_ a builder with those hands." She shakes her head. "Have you been to Jandarah? That would slim down the options, I think."

*Given that I'm making a certain amount up in the vast open space of Nomad lore where I think it's not likely to interfere with GM plans... that seems perfectly reasonable.

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 8:21 am
by Aydi al-Qais
"Hah, I've done my share of hard physical work, mind you!" He rolled up his sleeve a bit and flexed, being indeed on the toned side. "And I have a taskmaster for a father who impressed on me the importance of good education the arduous way. So I know things about what I have yet to see with my own eyes. But if you're asking what I do for living, I am a part-time city guard, and a private detective. Though not as well-travelled as I'd like. Maybe some day, once my investigations take me out of the city. For now, the life in here is busy enough."

He smirked, rolling the sleeve back. "And you, Sayyeda Naaji, are you here more on commercial interests of your tribe, or to win this archery bout?"

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 9:58 am
by Rufus Belgica
Kezia wrote:
Sat May 01, 2021 2:07 am
"Does sound fun, doesn't it? Mind you, after this simple kidnapping attempt failed, the next will probably be a bit more involved, but, well..."

Kezia's expression grew darker, if only for a moment.

"I don't really care about the why of it, people who go around grabbing young women off of the streets deserve anything I can make happen to them."
Rufus appears lost in thought. "I don't know the city layout as well as most. I also do not know the young heiress' tolerance for being used as bait. But if they are still intent upon hunting her, it's the only way I can think of luring them out. The trick would be picking the spot where they feel comfortable, but we are actually in control."

Rufus pauses. "What are your opinions of introducing her to drunkeness, dancing and debauchery at the caravan?" Rufus smirks. "And oh yeah, we could use that as a trap while we're at it"

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 11:55 am
by Al-Haddar
Jewel wrote:
Sat May 01, 2021 3:56 am
Now that his attention was brought to the man Haddar would say that he seemed slightly out of place even if not for the 'stolen' face. His clothes appeared to mark him as a noble or a merchant of skill and repute but he was simply standing watching the archers among the milling crowed as opposed to the areas reserved for the Dahabi and other important individuals. If he had companions they were not so well dressed and did not clearly stand out of the crowd.

(Stealth/Awareness or Etiquette/Awareness to not stand out)
"Pistachios! Give it a try! Nothing to see here but the most delicious pistachios you've ever tasted!"


D2EE | Just a normal peddler | Stealth/Awareness: 5d10o10k3 16

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 12:11 pm
by Jewel
Al-Haddar wrote:
Sat May 01, 2021 11:55 am

"Pistachios! Give it a try! Nothing to see here but the most delicious pistachios you've ever tasted!"


D2EE | Just a normal peddler | Stealth/Awareness: 5d10o10k3 16
On his next furtive glance he found himself locked in eye contact with his 'brother'. Even from this distance he couldn't help but notice that a scar over Al-Kaz's eye from a childhood scuffle was present. That said the way the figure briefly cocked its head was very un-Kaz... worse though was the slow smile as realization seemed to dawn upon it. A big, bright smile that, somehow, seemed far too large and far too many teeth until Al-Haddad blinked and, no, it was a normal smile... certainly it must be... if a little creepy....

Had, what in the hells Had! What the hell is that! Why does it have my face!

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 12:39 pm
by Al-Haddar
Jewel wrote:
Sat May 01, 2021 12:11 pm

On his next furtive glance he found himself locked in eye contact with his 'brother'. Even from this distance he couldn't help but notice that a scar over Al-Kaz's eye from a childhood scuffle was present. That said the way the figure briefly cocked its head was very un-Kaz... worse though was the slow smile as realization seemed to dawn upon it. A big, bright smile that, somehow, seemed far too large and far too many teeth until Al-Haddad blinked and, no, it was a normal smile... certainly it must be... if a little creepy....

Had, what in the hells Had! What the hell is that! Why does it have my face!
"How the hell am I supposed to know that?" mumbled Al-Haddar. "If there's one of us dumb enough to play with that kind of fire, it's definitely you, not me."

Someone nearby who definitely grasped at least the word "dumb" gave him a strange look, and Al-Haddar continued on his way, still grumbling.

"Can probably escape today by mixing with the crowd at the end of the event. But need a back-up plan just in case..."

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 12:49 pm
by Jewel
Al-Haddar wrote:
Sat May 01, 2021 12:39 pm

"How the hell am I supposed to know that?" mumbled Al-Haddar. "If there's one of us dumb enough to play with that kind of fire, it's definitely you, not me."

Someone nearby who definitely grasped at least the word "dumb" gave him a strange look, and Al-Haddar continued on his way, still grumbling.

"Can probably escape today by mixing with the crowd at the end of the event. But need a back-up plan just in case..."
The next glance in that direction revealed the figure had vanished. No sight of it to be seen. Whether that was a relief or a cause of greater concern was clearly debatable... Maybe the sun had been getting to him? But then Kaz had seen it too... if the voice in his head really was Kaz....

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 12:53 pm
by Raya
Ali ibn Farid wrote:
Fri Apr 30, 2021 5:43 pm
Ali chuckled. "I wish it were so. Perhaps I need to become better at celebration and excitement." He inclined his head. "Or perhaps the Ra'Shari are just admirably gifted at it.

He gave her a fond smile as he described the bond they shared. "I should like to visit the caravan. One of these days, anyway." He brushed a hand back through his hair, wincing. "I do enjoy singing... hearing it, that is. I'll spare you the sound of me attempting it."

He bowed, making a gesture of greeting. "Ali ibn Farid, at your service, miss."
"Lovely to mee you Sidi! Yes, you need to become better at Ra'Shari, and visit us. Why avoid it? The Caravan of Entertainment is only around a few times, and we do celebrate better than the others if I say so myself" Raya grinned "when it comes to any art, singing included, it is bringing your emotion to life. We laugh, we cry, we smile and we frown. We can do these, so we can sing and dance. You do not say 'I'm not very good at a frown' do you?"

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 1:00 pm
by Ali ibn Farid
Raya wrote:
Sat May 01, 2021 12:53 pm
"Lovely to mee you Sidi! Yes, you need to become better at Ra'Shari, and visit us. Why avoid it? The Caravan of Entertainment is only around a few times, and we do celebrate better than the others if I say so myself" Raya grinned "when it comes to any art, singing included, it is bringing your emotion to life. We laugh, we cry, we smile and we frown. We can do these, so we can sing and dance. You do not say 'I'm not very good at a frown' do you?"
"No, in fact, I'm quite good at frowning." Ali said, quite seriously. After a moment, he chuckled. "But yes, I take your meaning."

"In that case, I'll make double sure of going. I do rather like celebrations, and festivals and such, actually. I enjoy watching people have a good time. That's often when you see them at their best." He tilted his head, regarding the Ra'Shari girl. "I do wonder if it looks different from the entertainer's perspective. What are the people who come to enjoy some time with your caravan like?"

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 1:26 pm
by Arash Karuvah
Tarset Kishan wrote:
Sat May 01, 2021 7:09 am
It was a bit more complicated than that for her origins, but she wasn't about to lay it all out, she had no reason. His question brought a low chuckle. "My favorite part? That's a hard question to answer. There's plenty NOT to like about the Jewel after all. Still, I suppose in the end I'd say the variety. You could go through the city and never see the same sights twice. The city's a melting pot of so many different people, life styles, cultures, and so on."
Arash nodded. "I can certainly see that. Only been here for a few months so far, but it does feel like the whole world in a small space.." He paused. "Well, not that small, but compared to the world, quite small." He observed the other archers. "What do you usually do around the city, if I may ask?"