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Re: Evening Gratitude (LE House of the Heavens)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 7:30 am
by Lamis Naaji
Lamis frowns and shakes her head. "It's not about what we must make do with. We pray where we are on the sands when the time comes for it. But a temple is about...about what the people value. Do they offer time and wealth to piety and charity? To contrition before Shilah's wrath? Do artists find inspiration in the divine of the worldly?" Reaching for a pillar nearby and tracing elaborate geometric carvings, she shakes sucks her teeth disapprovingly as once-bright paint flakes off. No doubt the gilding was scraped away before she was born.

With a nod to Ali. "Lack of attention. Lack of care. It's not good for any of the souls involved. I don't know what to think of such wealth and celebration out there...and then this."

Re: Evening Gratitude (LE House of the Heavens)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 4:48 pm
by Ali ibn Farid
"Right." Ali said. "It's like..." He waved to the nearby pool. "We wash our hands and feet in the pool to clean ourselves before offering our devotions. "It's not because we're truly concerned about the state of our hands and our feet, but it's a sign of respect."

He waved to the pile of debris in the corner. Oh, that pile of debris. He knew it well. "That is like... dirty feet. Perhaps." He shrugged. "I'm not sure I have the gift of words that some do."

Re: Evening Gratitude (LE House of the Heavens)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 5:26 pm
by Tarset Kishan
Tarset gave a soft grunt, looking between Ali and Lamis. "I understand what you're both saying... I've just always lead a more practical life, seen the dirtier end of things. I can understand how some could be inspired by a grand temple like this being restored and gilded and all, but imagine if all that time, effort, and copper went toward the poor, the destitute. Toward making certain the streets were clean and safe, that everyone always had a roof over their head and a meal in their belly."

She paused and finally shrugged. "All supposition anyway. I don't see either side happening any time soon. The Jewel's never been one to truly shine like it's name."

Re: Evening Gratitude (LE House of the Heavens)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 7:38 pm
by Lamis Naaji
Lamis snorts a small laugh. "Oh, I'm plenty concerned with the state of everyone else's hands and feet. But here, it's symbolic. Washing the impure and worldly away to focus on devotion. Hmm, and respect to some extent I guess. Though I've come before Shilah in far worse states. We're all filthy grubs beneath her gaze, I have to imagine." Her gaze slips to Tarset, "because when praying to avert the burning of the world, we should bring all our attention to the task. The decoration is indicative of attention. Because if the world burns again, it will do the poor little good to be well fed ashes. Decoration and charity aren't meant to be a question of 'or'. If the temples are neglected, I'd predict the poor are too. Though I've yet to see much beyond the markets and now the temple."

Re: Evening Gratitude (LE House of the Heavens)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 8:32 pm
by Ali ibn Farid
"Yes." Ali said, his tone a bit harsher than usual. "There's much in this city that could use, ah, attention, and little enough of it to go around. By design, perhaps."

He grimaced, visually agitated, seeming having worked himself into a bit of a frustrated anger.

Re: Evening Gratitude (LE House of the Heavens)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 9:20 pm
by Tarset Kishan
Seeing as Ali was getting a bit worked up over the topic, and not really caring about the temple in the end one way or another, Tarset decided to change the subject just a bit. "I suppose I can see Shialah having different cares. Even though I'm from the city for the most part though, I still grew up among my people. The Ten Thousand have a bit of a different set of... priorities I suppose. I wonder what a temple to them even looks like."

Re: Evening Gratitude (LE House of the Heavens)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 9:36 pm
by Lamis Naaji
Ali ibn Farid wrote:
Sat May 01, 2021 8:32 pm
"Yes." Ali said, his tone a bit harsher than usual. "There's much in this city that could use, ah, attention, and little enough of it to go around. By design, perhaps."

He grimaced, visually agitated, seeming having worked himself into a bit of a frustrated anger.
"Oh?" Lamis pauses, considering. "I suppose the flash and finery was a bit too good to be true." Her nose wrinkles. "We're told the city is a cesspit, so I was honestly a bit surprised. It's supposed to be filled with the decadent and corrupt filling themselves on their we're warned at least."

Her hand runs down the shabby pillar her expression sorrowful. "If such things call Shilah's wrath, I hope she might only strike the city next time and leave us alone this time. Though...I suppose not. After all, we haven't come storming the city to reform it or die trying, so we're probably just as guilty in her eyes." Lifting her gaze to Tarset, she adds, "and I suppose the ten thousand might protect the Senpet. Or perhaps they'll be beyond her wrath this time."

Re: Evening Gratitude (LE House of the Heavens)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 9:53 pm
by Ali ibn Farid
"The city has a lot of good people in it." Ali said, sighing, some of his anger subsiding. "And a lot of people just trying to get by. How much can be expected of a person whose belly is never full?" He shrugged, refusing to give an answer to the question he'd posed.

He smiled without humor. "That's most of it. So I wouldn't say it's filled with the decadent and the corrupt."

Re: Evening Gratitude (LE House of the Heavens)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 10:19 pm
by Tarset Kishan
"It's a lot easier to remember the merchant who cheats you than it is to remember the mother and child just walking past,: she added. "I've seen more than my share of the corrupt and the evil of this city, and some would say I'm not the best myself, but even I still know most citizens have good in their hearts."

Re: Evening Gratitude (LE House of the Heavens)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 11:11 pm
by Lamis Naaji
"The good burned with the wicked before." Lamis shrugged. "So it's no great comfort to think that maybe most of those here are good and still important things are neglected."

After a deep breath, she smiles ruefully. "Apologies, I'm the stranger. Your city is what it is and I'm only in it for these few days before riding away with tales of it for my folks. I appreciate your forbearance. I'll continue to come offer my prayers and stick to sightseeing and archery, I suppose."