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Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:08 pm
by Kezia
Rufus Belgica wrote:
Fri Apr 30, 2021 10:19 am
"Really?" Rufus seems amused by the friendly jibe. "I was pretty sure that my aim was true at least a few times last night."
"I like to think of it as you taking direction well."
He shrugs in the comment about the Invidi. "I can't say that I'm particularly talented on horseback. Or talented at all really. At this point, I think I'm looking for the third day"
"Yes, well, there's a reason I didn't pick you, isn't there?"
Rufus peers over at Raya. "Your sister is getting into things. Did she sponsor someone?"
And at this point, her teasing tone dropped- almost abruptly.

"Not at all, she just likes to cheer on her family. I just wish we'd, well... done better for her. But that's life."

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:34 pm
by Al-Haddar
Al-Haddar was strolling the benches, working hard on selling the content of his basket:

"Pistachios! Who wants some pistachios? Fresh pistachios, roasted to perfection. Refill your energy after a harassing day with some pistachios."

A consumed peddler, he had his eyes elsewhere, and did notice that a few people who had no reason to have any form of martial training were doing quite well in that little tournament. That made him a bit nervous even if, ever the professional, he didn't show it.

You run quickly Had', but you aren't quicker than an arrow.

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:51 pm
by Tarset Kishan
Arash Karuvah wrote:
Fri Apr 30, 2021 1:59 pm
Arash stepped off from his spot from the shooting, and spent a short time in prayer. It seemed that there were quite a few interested and even talented people joining the group. He smiled, then noticed a Senpet sitting idly by.

He slowly moved towards her, and cleared his throat. "Salla alaikum sayeda. May I join you?"
Tarset glanced over from watching the competition and gave Arash a once over, recognizing him from his shots. After a moment, she shrugged, patting the bench next to her. "Course. Take a load off sidi. I'm sure you could use a moment to relax."

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 5:21 pm
by Arash Karuvah
Tarset Kishan wrote:
Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:51 pm

Tarset glanced over from watching the competition and gave Arash a once over, recognizing him from his shots. After a moment, she shrugged, patting the bench next to her. "Course. Take a load off sidi. I'm sure you could use a moment to relax."
"Certainly sayyeda. Some rest should be fine. Arash Karuvah." He was fairly certain she knew his name, but it was only polite. "How are you enjoying the contest so far?"

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 5:26 pm
by Aydi al-Qais
Lamis Naaji wrote:
Fri Apr 30, 2021 2:42 pm
"Not overmuch, if you are. I don't think even the bow-loving Khadi sponsoring all this is sitting quiet through it all." As she turns to him, her eyes flick down then up, taking in the person addressing her, hand at heart rather than near a knife. He own hand lifts to touch briefly in a mirrored position. "Lamis Naaji, Jalan's rider and hunter among the Naaji near the Oasis of Six Steps."

"And it's mostly a good field to shoot against. Though the shabby-looking fellow looks like he's maybe out there because his fellow archery students dared him to try?" She gestures off toward Rufus, the Yodotai easy to spot in this crowd. "And that one...spend a lot of effort on targets up close before finding the comfort to aim farther? I've heard their armies are a force to reckon with, but I'm not sure I'm impressed by their archers."
He looked at those she was pointing at, or at least indicating, narrowing his eyes to catch their postures during or after playing their part in the competition. "I can think of worse reasons for competing, but you're probably right, Sayyeda Naaji. As for the Yodotai, perhaps they've sent him here for us to have the wrong idea about their shooting skills. If not, that's probably good news for us if that's their weakness. I wouldn't like the Jewel to get on their list of conquests. Hopefully the desert can deter them."

He glanced at her with a smile, slightly apologetic. "Speaking of, is your oasis far away from here? I am ashamed to admit I don't know much about your people."

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 5:43 pm
by Ali ibn Farid
Raya wrote:
Fri Apr 30, 2021 3:58 pm
"Sidi, every day is a good time for celebration and excitement. Every day could be your last, so why make it anything but? As for Kezia, she is! Well, not actual sister, but Ra'Shari are all family. We travel together, we laugh together, we cry together. We sing together! Although I think Kezia is better than me, not that she would admit it" Raya laughed "I'm Raya, by the way."
Ali chuckled. "I wish it were so. Perhaps I need to become better at celebration and excitement." He inclined his head. "Or perhaps the Ra'Shari are just admirably gifted at it.

He gave her a fond smile as he described the bond they shared. "I should like to visit the caravan. One of these days, anyway." He brushed a hand back through his hair, wincing. "I do enjoy singing... hearing it, that is. I'll spare you the sound of me attempting it."

He bowed, making a gesture of greeting. "Ali ibn Farid, at your service, miss."

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 6:19 pm
by Tarset Kishan
Arash Karuvah wrote:
Fri Apr 30, 2021 5:21 pm
"Certainly sayyeda. Some rest should be fine. Arash Karuvah." He was fairly certain she knew his name, but it was only polite. "How are you enjoying the contest so far?"
She gave a slight smirk. "It's interesting I suppose. Not really familiar with the ins and outs of archery, but it's still worth watching. You did well for yourself sidi Arash. Tarset Kishan. Do the Invindia have a strong tradition of archery? Have to admit, I'm not really traveled, and I don't know any really."

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 6:47 pm
by Rufus Belgica
Kezia wrote:
Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:08 pm

"I like to think of it as you taking direction well."

And at this point, her teasing tone dropped- almost abruptly.

"Not at all, she just likes to cheer on her family. I just wish we'd, well... done better for her. But that's life."
Rufus lets the smile fade a touch. "We have a long way to go with this. We have time. Besides, I'm sure she cares about more than just one contest."

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 6:50 pm
by Arash Karuvah
Tarset Kishan wrote:
Fri Apr 30, 2021 6:19 pm
She gave a slight smirk. "It's interesting I suppose. Not really familiar with the ins and outs of archery, but it's still worth watching. You did well for yourself sidi Arash. Tarset Kishan. Do the Invindia have a strong tradition of archery? Have to admit, I'm not really traveled, and I don't know any really."
"Oh? That this is certainly an educational experience then, I am sure." He smiled himself, slightly sweaty. "There is, it is one of our noblest martial art. Do your people practice it in general?"

He asked in curiosity.

Re: Round 1, Flight! (EE, The Desert, Observation Thread)

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 7:00 pm
by Kezia
Rufus Belgica wrote:
Fri Apr 30, 2021 6:47 pm
Rufus lets the smile fade a touch. "We have a long way to go with this. We have time. Besides, I'm sure she cares about more than just one contest."
"Oh, absolutely, but between you and me, I'm even less a horsewoman than I am an archer..."