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Walking in the Light of Shilah (Day 1, LM, House of the Heavens, Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 7:34 pm
by Nasim ibn Jalil
Nasim stood at the edge of one of the ablution pools that dotted the courtyard of the House of the Heavens. The stones were chipped and no one had properly cleaned the pool in some time so dust and debris were beginning to accumulate, but he felt cleaner than he had before washing his feet and hands. Stepping out of the low pool the Mekhamite found a seat and sprawled a bit to let the rising sun and temperature dry his feet.

Re: Walking in the Light of Shilah (Day 1, LM, House of the Heavens, Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 7:52 pm
by Tarset Kishan
Being faithful wasn't something that particularly bothered Tarset, but she also wasn't mocking of it. She'd seen enough pain, hardship, and violence to believe any greater powers were looking after anyone certainly. Still, the temple had pools, and despite her cynicism, it was a calming place compared to the alleys.

Making her way up to the water, Tarset slipped off her sandals to walk in, splashing her face to clean it and scrubbing her hands. Since it was already getting hot, she splashed more over various parts of her body as well, wringing out her white clothes so they weren't totally soaked.

She moved to sit to dry and relax, leaning back onto her hands. She glanced to the dusky skinned Mekham and gave a soft grunt of non-committal before relaxing again.

Re: Walking in the Light of Shilah (Day 1, LM, House of the Heavens, Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:15 pm
by Ali ibn Farid
Ali was raised as a proper young man. That meant giving his devotions, as required.

Just as the others had, he carefully washed his hands and feet, drying them just as carefully, first with a shake, and then the remainder on the cleanest parts of his clothes. It was early still, and he'd not yet done his work for the day, so there was plenty of clean linen covering his lean form.

Finished he found a seat near the other two, greeting them with a steady nod. His eyes caught a pile of debris; instead of sitting, he moved to it, grimacing as he pushed ineffectually at it, cleaning it slowly.

Re: Walking in the Light of Shilah (Day 1, LM, House of the Heavens, Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:28 pm
by Nasim ibn Jalil
"Salaam Aleikum" Nasim spoke softly, nodding to both. He smirked a bit at the Senpet woman taking the opportunity to clean her whole body. Nasim glanced over to the man then. "I am certain the priests will appreciate your efforts."

Re: Walking in the Light of Shilah (Day 1, LM, House of the Heavens, Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:45 pm
by Ali ibn Farid
Ali chuckled, shooting the man a wry smile. "They may. I'm not sure I'm doing much besides dirtying my hands again. I'll have to wash after this, for sure."

Pausing in his work, he gave a bow and a gesture, in the usual greeting of the Mekham. "Ali ibn Farid, at your service."

Re: Walking in the Light of Shilah (Day 1, LM, House of the Heavens, Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:13 pm
by Nasim ibn Jalil
Nasim placed a hand over his chest as he returned the gesture. "Nasim ibn Jalil." He glanced down at the rocks. "I suppose the effort is what will see us through in the afterlife if not the effect, but that is perhaps a question better answered by a priest." Nasim shrugged at that. "The stories say that this place was much cleaner, back in the day. And the pools ran with fresh, chill, water" He glanced around, keeping an eye out for rogue qadi that might not take kindly to someone suggesting things might have been better in the past.

Re: Walking in the Light of Shilah (Day 1, LM, House of the Heavens, Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:31 pm
by Aydi al-Qais
Aydi, surely a Shilah-fearing man, came to pray right after he had paid his father a rather uneventful visit; the dog had stayed there, so the young man could come to the House of Heavens. As expected, there were visitors and laymen, though he didn't know any of them yet. However, prayers first!

Re: Walking in the Light of Shilah (Day 1, LM, House of the Heavens, Open)

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 12:15 am
by Tarset Kishan
Tarset gave a soft sigh. The Jewel was never quiet, but the temple at least had a little open room to breathe. Still, there was no missing the close quarter conversation. Opening an eye, she glanced over as she spoke up gruffly. "No point looking at the past when all we've got is now."

A pause. "...Tarset Kishan. Salaam."

Re: Walking in the Light of Shilah (Day 1, LM, House of the Heavens, Open)

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 12:25 am
by Ali ibn Farid
Ali returned the greeting to both of his apparent conversational partners. "Hmmm. Yes." He grimaced. "Or so I have read."

Standing, he brushed his hands clean of dust, before returning to the pool to clean them again. "A real, proper cleaning is what's needed. Thorough. Get into the corners." There was a brief pause. "I mean, with brooms and such." He waved at the pile of debris he'd been working on. Ah, well, what was a little light treason in the morning?

Re: Walking in the Light of Shilah (Day 1, LM, House of the Heavens, Open)

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 1:07 am
by Nasim ibn Jalil
Nasim nodded to the woman though seemed indifferent as to her response to the question, though he supposed he couldn't expect much more from someone who wasn't native. He turned back to Ali then.

"Yes, perhaps, but who would pay for the labor? Or pay for all the brooms? Charity may be the way to eternity but you'll get there all the faster if you can't buy your daily bread." Nasim said with a shrug.