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The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 5:37 pm
by Raya
The Ra'Shari are not a quiet group, this is quite well known. When the Ra'Shari are around, there is often music. Stories. Joy. However, there is one caravan that stands for this far more than others. When the Caravan of Entertainment is around, the party seems to always be in full swing. And late into the evening, when the guard may have been hoping for a quiet night, the music started.

Just outside of the city proper, yet able to be heard, the Ra'Shari Caravan of Entertainment was in town. Around campfires music was playing, and people danced and sang to their hearts content. In other parts stories were shared. No matter where you were in the camp it was vibrant and it was loud.

Raya herself was around one of the campires, happily dancing with one of her friends. Laughing and kicking up the sands, she always was the life of the party. Her colouful and very thin dress moving with her as she kicked up the sand with her bare feet in her dancing. It was a good night.

Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 6:57 pm
by Kezia
Any who had seen Kezia in the city earlier in the day might not have believed her to be the same person- gone were the simple, unobtrusive clothes, replaced by the dazzling attire of a dancer. Her eyes outlined with kohl, her graceful form moving with zest and verve, the effect was much like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon.

Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 7:54 pm
by Rufus Belgica
Rufus has a smile on his face as he leans back taking in the scenery. "Now, this is culture."

Foreign music played as pretty women in thin dresses twirled.

A man could get used to this The thought amuses him as Rufus pulls out his wineskin for a sip.

Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:03 pm
by Tarset Kishan
Tarset wasn't a dancer. She didn't sing, play an instrument, or tell stories. She had no wish to be any of those things. One, however, did not need to be any of those things to appreciate them.

The Semper had decided to take the evening off when she heard the caravan in the distance. She'd brought out a skin of beer and some cigs and found a seat by a fire. The stories were half listened to, the music absorbed passively. Her eyes roamed around at the people walking around, but gravitated towards the dancers more. Art was physical to her, at least the best kind.

Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:22 pm
by Nasim ibn Jalil
Nasim had always been a fan of the Ra'shari, they understood each other well for the most part and he felt their reputation as thieves was mostly undeserved. Mostly. Walking around the city with a full coin purse was never a wise idea and Nasim mostly dealt with them as fencers, not the actual thieves. Smirking slightly to himself he leaned against one of the sturdier tent poles to enjoy the show for a moment.

Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:26 pm
by Qasim al-Basiri
Many of the house of Dahab were the very ones who maligned the name of the Ra'shari and saw them as a nuisance at best and criminals and thrives at worst. Luckily Qasim did not share this narrow minded view of the travelling people.

He heard the entertainment caravan was outside the city and decided it sounded like a delightful way to spend the day.

He traded his silks for a sturdier Thawb in beige and red, though it was still of an impeccable fit and quality. As he walked in Qasim was all smiles nodding and greeting those he passed.

Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:30 pm
by Raya
Kezia wrote:
Mon Apr 26, 2021 6:57 pm
Any who had seen Kezia in the city earlier in the day might not have believed her to be the same person- gone were the simple, unobtrusive clothes, replaced by the dazzling attire of a dancer. Her eyes outlined with kohl, her graceful form moving with zest and verve, the effect was much like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon.
"There seems to be a real mix today sister. Which takes your fancy?" Raya said with a small giggle as she turned to her friend while dancing past her. She had peered around to look at the people from the city, giving them a smile and a motion to join in with the dancing, but not forcing any.

Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:34 pm
by Kezia
Raya wrote:
Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:30 pm
"There seems to be a real mix today sister. Which takes your fancy?" Raya said with a small giggle as she turned to her friend while dancing past her. She had peered around to look at the people from the city, giving them a smile and a motion to join in with the dancing, but not forcing any.

A good question.

Let's see, let's see...

As she continued to dance around her chosen fire, Kezia took stock of their visitors, weighing each in turn, doing a bit of calculation- less about their wealth than in other arenas...

""I confess, sister, that we're spoiled for choice! But I'll admit to finding the red-headed one a bit... intriguing."

Exotic hair color, intensely fit, my, my, my...

Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:35 pm
by Al-Haddar
Al-Haddar was strolling around the caravan at an artfully calculated distance. Close enough to take advantage of the appeal of the show and catch people going to it, and sell them snacks and sweets. Distant enough that he wasn't overstepping into the zone where Ra'Shari could have taken offense of the competition to their own merchants.

Still, a few sidelong glances suggested it might be a good idea to put an end to business for tonight and melt into the crowd as if nothing had happened. Better safe than sorry.

And that excessive caution in all things is exactly why you don't go anywhere in life.

"The daring dead should not bother the sensible living," he muttered while looking around. Many obvious foreigners (a.k.a patsies) in the audience tonight, might be good to keep an eye on them just in case there was a profit to be made of them later.

Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:44 pm
by Raya
Kezia wrote:
Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:34 pm
""I confess, sister, that we're spoiled for choice! But I'll admit to finding the red-headed one a bit... intriguing."
Raya took a chance to spin on the spot so she could get a quick glance as the one that stood out.

"Oh I see. Looks the athletic type too, bet they'd dance well" Raya had a mischevious look in her eyes "shall we find out? Or should I leave it in your capable hands?"