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Re: Walking in the Light of Shilah (Day 1, LM, House of the Heavens, Open)

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 9:19 am
by Aydi al-Qais
Ali ibn Farid wrote:
Wed Apr 28, 2021 10:44 pm
Ali grunted, considering. "My home is on the edge of the Maze. Even then, it's not easy to find things in the Maze... even for a detective." His smile was playfully friendly.

After a moment, he nodded. "But I will be taking part in the tournament, or watching if I'm eliminated. Look for me there. Or, if there's some reason that it won't work, post a bill for me here." As a natural meeting place, the temple did have a spot where notices could be posted.
"I can work with that." Aydi smiled and nodded. He noticed the other two in the conversation quieting down when Khadi business was raised. That could be telling. The darkest place is right under the candle, my friends. He thought to himself.