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Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:50 pm
by Kezia
Raya wrote:
Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:44 pm
Raya took a chance to spin on the spot so she could get a quick glance as the one that stood out.

"Oh I see. Looks the athletic type too, bet they'd dance well" Raya had a mischevious look in her eyes "shall we find out? Or should I leave it in your capable hands?"
"Well, I hardly want to come across as greedy."

Kezia grinned.

"And I do so love working with the best... I would say a team effort is in order."

Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:51 pm
by Rufus Belgica
Rufus hears the light titter of laughter from some the dancer girls, and for a moment wondered if one had looked in his direction. He straightens his back and does his best to not look too interested, continuing to sip from his wineskin, tapping his foot to the music.

Probably wishful thinking, but better to prepare anyway.

Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:57 pm
by Raya
Kezia wrote:
Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:50 pm
"Well, I hardly want to come across as greedy."

Kezia grinned.

"And I do so love working with the best... I would say a team effort is in order."
There was a laugh at that, and a nod.

"I'd say you were the best, but I'll take the compliment. Let's snag us a dance partner then before he's too drunk and falls into the fire."

With a skip in her step, she linked arms with Kezia and walked towards the intended target...

Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:02 pm
by Nasim ibn Jalil
Al-Haddar wrote:
Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:35 pm
Al-Haddar was strolling around the caravan at an artfully calculated distance. Close enough to take advantage of the appeal of the show and catch people going to it, and sell them snacks and sweets. Distant enough that he wasn't overstepping into the zone where Ra'Shari could have taken offense of the competition to their own merchants.

Still, a few sidelong glances suggested it might be a good idea to put an end to business for tonight and melt into the crowd as if nothing had happened. Better safe than sorry.

And that excessive caution in all things is exactly why you don't go anywhere in life.

"The daring dead should not bother the sensible living," he muttered while looking around. Many obvious foreigners (a.k.a patsies) in the audience tonight, might be good to keep an eye on them just in case there was a profit to be made of them later.
Seeing someone who looked like they were expecting trouble, one way or another, Nasim moved towards the man.

"Salaam Aleikum, friend." He said with a smile. "Come to enjoy the sights same as everyone else I take it?" Nasim glanced back in time to see the dancing girls approach the foreigner and wondered briefly if their motive was business or pleasure.

Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:09 pm
by Kezia
Rufus Belgica wrote:
Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:51 pm
Probably wishful thinking, but better to prepare anyway.
Raya wrote:
Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:57 pm
There was a laugh at that, and a nod.

"I'd say you were the best, but I'll take the compliment. Let's snag us a dance partner then before he's too drunk and falls into the fire."

With a skip in her step, she linked arms with Kezia and walked towards the intended target...
Kezia appreciated Raya's support, as always, and adopted a tone of mild challenge as she addressed the foreigner.

"Good evening, stranger... how is it that you're not dancing?"

Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:16 pm
by Aydi al-Qais
Aydi didn't know a lot about Ra'Shari caravans, so their arrival was something to appreciate for more than one reason! There were stories about them he had been hearing, and as any man of discerning eye, he wanted to know how much truth there was to them. Guided by his dog, who cherished this very long walk, he finally arrived at the place of wagons and campfires. Dazed by all the sensations, he stopped in the midst of it, seemingly lost.

Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:20 pm
by Raya
Rufus Belgica wrote:
Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:51 pm
Probably wishful thinking, but better to prepare anyway.
Kezia wrote:
Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:09 pm
Kezia appreciated Raya's support, as always, and adopted a tone of mild challenge as she addressed the foreigner.

"Good evening, stranger... how is it that you're not dancing?"
By the side of Kezia was Raya, with a smile at the man.

"The night is bright and cool, and the music welcoming. What better time than now?"

Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 10:05 pm
by Rufus Belgica
Kezia wrote:
Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:09 pm
Kezia appreciated Raya's support, as always, and adopted a tone of mild challenge as she addressed the foreigner.

"Good evening, stranger... how is it that you're not dancing?"
Raya wrote:
Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:20 pm

By the side of Kezia was Raya, with a smile at the man.

"The night is bright and cool, and the music welcoming. What better time than now?"
"Umm." Rufus practically chokes on his wine mid-sip. The idea of one of the girls coming over had been a fun fantasy. Both, at the same time? It had completely caught him by surprise. He takes a moment to cough to buy himself time to think of what to say, and in the end, the best thing he can think of is sincerity.

"Well, I am new to these parts. I don't know the steps, and I don't have a partner." He tries to offer a smile at both. "I've traveled to see the sights and learn more, so you would have a willing student, if an inexperienced one. Anything worth learning means looking foolish a while, if you are willing to suffer such a sight." He offers up his wine skin. "I hope sharing this would help repay you for the kindness"

Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 10:17 pm
by Qasim al-Basiri
Tarset Kishan wrote:
Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:03 pm
Tarset wasn't a dancer. She didn't sing, play an instrument, or tell stories. She had no wish to be any of those things. One, however, did not need to be any of those things to appreciate them.

The Semper had decided to take the evening off when she heard the caravan in the distance. She'd brought out a skin of beer and some cigs and found a seat by a fire. The stories were half listened to, the music absorbed passively. Her eyes roamed around at the people walking around, but gravitated towards the dancers more. Art was physical to her, at least the best kind.
Qasim wandered around for a bit taking in the dancers and other assorted entertainers on display in the area. He had drink in hand and a bright smile upon his lips.

After some time he found himself next to a woman much larger than himself. In fact she seemed to be larger than most people around, such a unique individual certainly required closer inspection "The Ra'Shari certainly put on quite the show don't they? Is this your first time enjoying the entertainment caravan?" He asked, taking a sip of his drink as he looked out upon the dancers though his questions were clearly for her

Re: The Noblest Art Is That Of Making Others Happy (D1 EE Desert Open)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 10:27 pm
by Kezia
Rufus Belgica wrote:
Mon Apr 26, 2021 10:05 pm
"Umm." Rufus practically chokes on his wine mid-sip. The idea of one of the girls coming over had been a fun fantasy. Both, at the same time? It had completely caught him by surprise. He takes a moment to cough to buy himself time to think of what to say, and in the end, the best thing he can think of is sincerity.

"Well, I am new to these parts. I don't know the steps, and I don't have a partner." He tries to offer a smile at both. "I've traveled to see the sights and learn more, so you would have a willing student, if an inexperienced one. Anything worth learning means looking foolish a while, if you are willing to suffer such a sight." He offers up his wine skin. "I hope sharing this would help repay you for the kindness"
"Hm, a student, then? I think we could probably teach him, eh Raya?"