[Day 1, Early Afternoon- The Desert] Our Little Secret (Closed)

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[Day 1, Early Afternoon- The Desert] Our Little Secret (Closed)

Post by Kezia » Thu Apr 29, 2021 3:54 am

Kezia had ducked back out to the caravan to spread word of Asher's interest in sponsoring an archer around...

I could have taken his coin, I suppose... but I'd rather shoot on my own behalf!

... but now she wandered further out, away from the town walls.

There were two things she had to do.... and then she intended to go sit by the riverside.

First, she tried that... thing she could sometimes do.

Ordinarily, she would have done it at the heart of the camp, and picked some fellow member of her caravan, but, well...

They didn't need anything untoward reaching the ears of the Caliph's forces.

It wasn't something she had learned, as such, and it wasn't a trick like the Diviners used... it was more.. intrinsic.

And today, it hadn't worked anyway. That was the funny thing, it never had an immediate effect, but she could always tell when it had failed.

At least I'm only letting myself down...

Then she sat cross-legged on the sands, pulled her cloak up to shield her in case she lost the thread, as she often did, taking a pull from one of her bottles of water... and did that... other thing she did.

Which also didn't work as planned, nothing... concrete reaching her.

Not that she noticed.

Kezia sat under the blazing sun, staring into the middle distance.

She might have stayed there until sunset if a drop of salty sweat hadn't run directly into her eye, forcing her to blink repeatedly, snapping her out of it.

Nothing, today, huh? Just an idiot sitting on the dunes waiting for a raider or a ghul to pick her off.

Kezia dusted herself off and rose to her feet.... now more determined than ever to go see what the river was doing.

Maybe I can fit a song to it...

Ra'Shari * Warrior * A Bit Weird
Influence: 1/1/1 Reputation: Glorious 1.3/Infamous 0 Integrity: Untrustworthy
Typically Carries: A staff, two knives, and a slightly distracted air.

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