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Navigating The Maze

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 10:18 am
by Jewel
The Maze is a confusing and claustrophobic place where outsiders easily get lost.

Characters with Way of the Land: The Maze can always navigate their way through and lead others they are with. Otherwise choose an approach below and one traveler rolls though others may assist.

Find the Path: Roll Hunting/Perception (Trailblazing) at TN15 or Lore: Medinaat al-Salaam/Perception at TN20. Mekham characters reduce the TN by 5. Way of the Land: Medinaat al-Salaam reduces the TN by 5. Absolute Direction reduces the TN by 5. These reductions stack and may negate the need to roll. If traveling to a location within the Maze you have visited before Precise Memory applies despite this not being an Intelligence check.

Ask a Local: Finding a local who is trustworthy, able, and willing to help can be difficult. Roll Courtier/Awareness at TN25. Mekham characters reduce the TN by 5. Blessing/Curse of Akbar the Irrigator applies to this roll. You may spend 1 Copper to roll a d10 on a 1-5 reduce the TN by 5, 6-10 the TN remains the same - in either case the local seems extra helpful....

If failed all travelers roll Stealth/Agility (Sneaking) at TN10 to avoid unwanted attention and notify the GM if that roll fails.

You may then attempt to roll again. If you use a different approach use the normal TNs for that approach. If you keep using the same approach increase the TN by 5.

If failed repeat the Stealth rolls at TN 15.

A third attempt may be made with an additional +5 to TNs. If this attempt fails you are lost for an additional timeslot and considered to have failed the Stealth check.