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[D4, EM, Merchant Quarter] Before the dawn (Expecting)

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 7:53 am
by Al-Haddar
Earlier in the Maze, al-Haddar was having a whispered conversation with... well, apparently himself, at least for people who can't see ghosts.

"Okay. Loot of the night has been split and entrusted to siblings and cousins I trust to keep it safe..."

First time I ever saw Zumi happy that you woke her up early.

"So now what's still on the list..."

So many things. That zuK guy is still running around. The sewers are still vomiting hungry dead. People get killed all around the city. Oh, and you should get last night bruises checked. Wouldn't want you to survive all the monsters only to die from an infection.

"Hmm. Maybe I know a few people who could help with some of that. Or at least people who know people who know people..."

And so now he was knocking at the backdoor of a particular house in the Merchant Quarter.

Re: [D4, EM, Merchant Quarter] Before the dawn (Expecting)

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 8:06 am
by Qara al-Hazaad
Qara stifled a yawn as she opened the door to her impromptu clinic. Seeing as how a lot of people were interested in the healing arts via magical means, perhaps it was good to set up a small space so she can do her things.

"Hello there sidi." She gave a small bow, looking him over from head to toe. "Injuries, maladies, curses and other random bad things happen to you? I'm your woman. Apparently. Please, come in."

Re: [D4, EM, Merchant Quarter] Before the dawn (Expecting)

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 8:40 am
by Al-Haddar
"Hello lady. I think you're a friend of my good friend Bazir?"

Everyone was a good friend to al-Haddar, but in reality he had a mostly professional relationship with Bazir, not knowing the man that well and in particular being quite ignorant of his secrets.

But never let the truth go in the way of a potential discount!

"The name's al-Haddar, and I did make a bad fall yes. Nothing broken thankfully, but the bruises aren't nice looking. And you know what they say: Better the doctor than the gangrene!"

Re: [D4, EM, Merchant Quarter] Before the dawn (Expecting)

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 8:52 am
by Qara al-Hazaad
"Certainly, certainly. Gangrene charges too much." She smiled at the lame joke, and pointed to a cushion. There was some tea in a pot, if al-Hadar was so inclined, though it was an unusual (Rokugani blend). And quite dark.

"Sidi Bazir is certainly a friend of mine as well. A fall, you say? Let me see what I can do about it." She moved around, and picked up her medicinal kit.

She carefully applied some kind of tincture to the area, before bandaging it carefully. "Now, does that feel better sidi?"

D4 EM, healing al-Hadar Medicine/Int, tn 15 | 4k3 ⇒ 25 (TN: 15)

D4 EM, Wound healing | 1k1 ⇒ 9 (TN: ?)

Re: [D4, EM, Merchant Quarter] Before the dawn (Expecting)

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 9:12 am
by Al-Haddar
Al-Haddar would of course accept the tea, as it was free.

"Far better thanks! I could run a marathon. Which I might actually. Heard they were organizing a big race tonight, as part of the many events celebrating the return of Shilah!"


Down to 1 Wound, thanks

Re: [D4, EM, Merchant Quarter] Before the dawn (Expecting)

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 9:38 am
by Qara al-Hazaad
Al-Haddar wrote:
Mon May 30, 2022 9:12 am
Al-Haddar would of course accept the tea, as it was free.

"Far better thanks! I could run a marathon. Which I might actually. Heard they were organizing a big race tonight, as part of the many events celebrating the return of Shilah!"


Down to 1 Wound, thanks
Qara giggled. "Well, run but take care that the wound doesn't open or worsen again. Can't be too careful. Kami, I make a terrible Dahabi, warning you away from being a repeat customer."

She poured some tea for herself as well.

"How are you enjoying the festival sidi?"

Re: [D4, EM, Merchant Quarter] Before the dawn (Expecting)

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 10:16 am
by Al-Haddar
"Oh, don't worry about that. Most Dahabi are terrible at good old haggling. Not a skill they need. When you're the monopoly, customers have to come to you and pay the price you've decided regardless of how you handled the previous sales. And a bit of niceness from a representative of Dahab is a nice change!

Festival hasn't been as nice as other years if I'm to be honest. Too many attacks, too many deaths. Dunno since when you're in city, but usually we don't get ghuls jumping on people like that. Not in the good quarters at least."

Re: [D4, EM, Merchant Quarter] Before the dawn (Expecting)

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 1:10 pm
by Qara al-Hazaad
Al-Haddar wrote:
Mon May 30, 2022 10:16 am
"Oh, don't worry about that. Most Dahabi are terrible at good old haggling. Not a skill they need. When you're the monopoly, customers have to come to you and pay the price you've decided regardless of how you handled the previous sales. And a bit of niceness from a representative of Dahab is a nice change!

Festival hasn't been as nice as other years if I'm to be honest. Too many attacks, too many deaths. Dunno since when you're in city, but usually we don't get ghuls jumping on people like that. Not in the good quarters at least."
"Ah, good to know then, that I am not the worst Dahabi after all." She let out a small giggle. "You have much experience with the Houses, sidi?"

She let out a small breath. "I was worried all the murders were a regular occurrence, but apparently not. Are things always this hectic?"

Re: [D4, EM, Merchant Quarter] Before the dawn (Expecting)

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 2:52 pm
by Al-Haddar
"There's always something going on in Medinaat al-Salaam, the city of stories. And I would say violence is sadly part of a lot of these, though not of the same kind.

In the Maze, it takes the form of the mugger asking for your belongings at knifepoint.

In the Khesir, it's still a man with a knife, but they want far more than just your money.

And in this very part of the city, it's the noble with more money that they could spend in a lifetime refusing to give a single pool to the honest worker in need.

But fear not! Not all stories are about violence, and sometimes, even when they do, they end well. Every so often, the rich person is generous!"

Re: [D4, EM, Merchant Quarter] Before the dawn (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2022 11:05 am
by Qara al-Hazaad
Al-Haddar wrote:
Mon May 30, 2022 2:52 pm
"There's always something going on in Medinaat al-Salaam, the city of stories. And I would say violence is sadly part of a lot of these, though not of the same kind.

In the Maze, it takes the form of the mugger asking for your belongings at knifepoint.

In the Khesir, it's still a man with a knife, but they want far more than just your money.

And in this very part of the city, it's the noble with more money that they could spend in a lifetime refusing to give a single pool to the honest worker in need.

But fear not! Not all stories are about violence, and sometimes, even when they do, they end well. Every so often, the rich person is generous!"
Qar asmiled. "The city of stories, what a lovely title." She sighed. "Yes most of these sound like tragedies. Happy endings are rare, I take it?" She tilted her head, in curiosity. "So I an count myself a rare breed, I guess?"