Hunger Abated (EN, The Sewers, Event)

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Hunger Abated (EN, The Sewers, Event)

Post by Jewel » Mon May 09, 2022 8:45 am

Your investigations into the strange happenings in the sewers, and the impact they have had on the city above, have born fruit.

Deep within the bowels of the city a necromancer has, somehow, crafted new and powerful variants of ghuls - as if the undead plague upon the Jewel had not already been bad enough. These foul beasts seem unwilling to share their home with the more traditional monstrosities driving them up into the city above to terrorize the populace.

Now, after much searching, you have narrowed down where the lair of this foul sorcerer must sit within the labyrinth of tunnels and it is time for the brave and the bold to end at least one of the myriad threats facing the Jewel.

You stand now in a sewer tunnel leading into the lair, a river of filth of unknown depth running through the middle of it but the sides thankfully dry enough for easy travel.
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Re: Hunger Abated (EN, The Sewers, Event)

Post by Jewel » Sun May 29, 2022 7:06 am

You are about to enter into a wider area through a sewer tunnel. The tunnel itself is divided, narrowly, by the flow of sewage - easy enough to jump over without true concern when not under stress and duress but may be an obstacle when combat begins.

Please roll Initiative, declare Stances, and declare if you are on the left or right side of the tunnel.

Please make sure to leave ghosting instructions in your PF as with many potential characters across many timezones it may be required to keep things flowing.
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Claudia Gabinus
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Re: Hunger Abated (EN, The Sewers, Event)

Post by Claudia Gabinus » Sun May 29, 2022 7:44 am

Claudia shoos an overly large rat out of her way, it's not really how she thought her search for medical knowledge would be going, but at least its interesting. The slick wall of the tunnel faintly reflects the spectral light of her grandfather who keeps pace beside her, shield raised.

"And this time try to block."
"Yes grandfather."
"And don't 'yes grandfather' me."
"...No grandfather?"

Day 4 Hunger Abated, EN. Initiative Roll. | 4k3 ⇒ 14 (TN: ?)

((Claudia is ATN 30, Reduction 3, Attack Stance
Grandad is ATN 25, Reduction 3, Attack Stance

They both take the left side))
Yodotai * Surgeon * Wanderer * Fights If She Has To * Very Haunted * Thirsty For Knowledge*
Influence: City 1, Origin 1, Faction 1 *Glorious 1, Infamous 0* Integrity: Average

Equipment usually present: Pugio, toga, medicine kit, surgeon’s kit, traveling pack.
If socially acceptable: Sword/Shield/Armour/Ghost

Languages: Mekham, Yodotai

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Re: Hunger Abated (EN, The Sewers, Event)

Post by Raya » Sun May 29, 2022 8:25 am

Dressed in her dark clothes again, Raya trusted her instinct - which was to always follow behind the big fighty Yodotai that was more likely to get the attention of anything bad. It allowed her to move in the dark without notice much easier

D4 EN sewers event initiative roll | 3k2 ⇒ 14 (TN: ?)
D4 EN sewers event stealth roll plus school bonus | 8k4 ⇒ 31 (TN: ?)
Defense stance
Going left with Claudia
Ra'shari * Ninja * Dancer * Pretty * Lovely Voice * Sweet * Exciteable * Quiet when she wants to be * Profile
Influence: 1 | Reputation: 2.3 | Integrity: Untrustworthy
Equipment: Dancers clothing (almost all the time), a smile, a pack of cards and a bubbily attitude. Maybe a knife
Languages: Mekhem, Ra'Shari

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Qara al-Hazaad
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Re: Hunger Abated (EN, The Sewers, Event)

Post by Qara al-Hazaad » Sun May 29, 2022 9:15 am

Qara joijed the grouo with her Jinn, going right.

D3 en, init | 4k3 ⇒ 27 (TN: ?)
Stance: defense
Atn: 24

Jinn stance: Defense
Atn: 17
Dahabi * Shugenja * Wealthy * Black Sheep * Married
Rokugani, Mekhem, thinking
Influence: 1/1/1 * Integrity: What is expected * Reputation: Glorious 1/Infamous 0
Carries: Talisman satchel, fan, fancy clothes

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Re: Hunger Abated (EN, The Sewers, Event)

Post by Asher » Sun May 29, 2022 12:51 pm

Asher and Jadzia decide to take the Right side with Qara

D4 EN Hunger Abated Init | 4k2 ⇒ 9 (TN: ?)
D4 EN Hunger Abated Asher Stealth | 6k3 ⇒ 34 (TN: ?)

Asher does his best to stick to the shadows and avoid notice.

Asher Defense Stance TN 20

Jadzia Attack Stance TN 20 (Reduction 5, Fear 1)
Mekham * Dahabi * House Basiri * Diplomat * Archeologist * Merchant * Curious * Linguist * Local
Influence: City 1 / Dahabi 2/ Faction 1 * Reputation: Glory 3.3/Infamy 0 * Integrity: What is Expected

Speaks: Mekhet, Senpet, Ra'Shari, Yodatai, Rokugani, Invidi
Street Equipment: Nice Clothes, Canteen, Locksmith tools, Calligraphy Kit, Flint & Tinder, Knife
Field Equipment: Sturdy Clothes, Pack, Torches, Rope & Grapple, Blanket, Rations
Companion: Jadzia (Gorilla) - Equipment: Canteen & Medical Kit

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Re: Hunger Abated (EN, The Sewers, Event)

Post by Nihira » Sun May 29, 2022 2:54 pm

Being down in the sewers wasn't as bad when there was a group of friends to go with. It sure beat being down here by yourself at least, though something told Nihira that this was going to be a lot more dangerous than just gathering a few clues and keeping as quiet as possible. Still, she was careful with the sound of her footsteps and stayed close to the wall while taking advantage of the shadows available.

D4 EN Hunger Abated Initiative 4k3 rolled 34

D4 EN Hunger Abated Stealth/Agility 5k3 rolled 24

Attack stance
Left side
Ra'Shari * Diplomat * Entertainer * Daredevil * Very honest * Stargazer * Asks questions * Why did it have to be snakes *
Influence: 1 | Reputation: 1 | Integrity: Honorless
Typically carries: Knife, well used robe, sling wrapped around her arm, stuff to juggle
Languages: Ra'Shari, Mekhem

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Faruq Al-Farhan
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Re: Hunger Abated (EN, The Sewers, Event)

Post by Faruq Al-Farhan » Sun May 29, 2022 5:44 pm

This whole situation was really unusual. Not being down in the sewers itself - he had learned it during his most difficult years that, if you knew where you were going, the tunnels were a quick way to reach any part of the city - and while it wasn't a comfortable environment by any stretch of the imagination, it could keep the worst of the heat away during the summer months.

But the rampaging Ghuls swarming the city, the odd creature he'd seen a few days back... whoever, or whatever, was doing this was certainly dangerous.

And now he showed up here, not alone, rushing to get from one place to another as usual, but with a large group, including some people he had briefly met, and many he didn't know.

Keffiyeh covering his face just in case - seeing the courage in the hearts of common men was inspiring, but not necessarily a reason to place too much trust before it's earned - he kept to the right side... where there were a foreign-looking woman and a man followed by one of the gorilla bodyguards some of the Dahabi had.

He kept second-guessing his choice to keep that close to the Dahabi - blissfully unaware that the foreign woman was also a member of the houses.
But for now, he did what he'd learned to do when down here - wait and watch, in the shadows, with silent steps.

At least silent enough, he hoped...

D4 EN - Hunger Abated. Initiative | 3k2 ⇒ 33 (TN: ?) - Oh god why so many explosions HERE of all places?

D4 EN - Hunger Abated. Stealth/Agility | 7k3 ⇒ 18 (TN: ?) .... of course

Defense Stance, two knives out
TN 19
Right side

EDIT: Added to the signature, but just to be clear - Faruq's bringing a sling and some stones as well...
Last edited by Faruq Al-Farhan on Sun May 29, 2022 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mekham * Sahir * Serious but kind * Healer for the poor
Influence: City 1 Origin 1 Faction 1 Reputation: Glorious 2 Infamous 0 Integrity: Above question
Typically Carries: 2 knives, robe and sandals, small ring, incense brazier, medicine kit, sling, coin purse.

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Re: Hunger Abated (EN, The Sewers, Event)

Post by Al-Haddar » Sun May 29, 2022 6:04 pm

"Reminds me why I'm here Kuz?"

To prevent more ghuls from reaching the surface.

"Because you think I have suddenly turned into a professional ghul killer overnight?"

Oh, no, not at all. I just count on you to grab the bodies of the people who will inevitably die and carry them out of reach of the undead-making mage.

"Is that some sort of punishment for me having left your own body behind that night?"

No, no. Just making the best of use of your ability to grab things and run fast without looking back. It has saved your life several times, and it might save others today.

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood after last night's heist Kuz."


Defense Stance, ATN 23, Reduction 0
Initiative: 16
Right side
Ghosting instructions
Mekham • "Diplomat" • Peddler • Chatterbox • Bland
Influence: Simple citizen (1) | Reputation: None to speak of (1) | Integrity: What? (1.5)
Languages: Mekham, Senpet / Carries: Anything you might want to buy / Profile

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Re: Hunger Abated (EN, The Sewers, Event)

Post by Jewel » Mon May 30, 2022 12:47 am

(Prep Round 1: Necromancer casts a spell and moves. Crocoghul hides. Jackghul takes position

You don't know what purpose this chamber might have once served for the sewers, or perhaps what was once here before the sewers. The flow of sewage splits, creating a clear and dry platform the necromancer has apparently made his lair, before rejoining and exiting down another tunnel.

On the platform are the tools of the necromancer's grisly trade. Two tables, caked in blood and gore, one much larger than the other. Each is currently holding a corpse the smaller a human while the larger holds that of a gorilla. Knives and ritual tools are scattered around both suggesting you may have interrupted some foul process.

A large cage, divided into two, both halves seem mercifully empty takes up a large portion as well. Likely where these two beings, and many before them, were held until it was time for the ritual to take place.

To the northwest a plank has been setup as a bridge across the sewage... a bridge currently guarded by a snarling decayed jackal monstrosity that still cackles and howls as you emerge from the tunnels. The unearthly sounds shivering your spine.

Of the necromancer, and any other dangers, there is no obvious sign but you are certain they are near.
Round 1.jpg
Round 1.jpg (124.13 KiB) Viewed 1481 times
(On your turn please roll Fear 3

34 - Nihira - Attack
33 - Faruq - Defense
27 - Qara - Defense
27 - Jinn - Defense
21 - Jackghul - Attack
16 - Al-Haddar - Defense
14 - Claudia - Attack
14 - Ghost - Attack
14 - Raya - Defense
14 - Crocoghul - Attack
11 - Necromancer - Defense
9 - Asher - Defense
9 - Jadzia - Attack

Nihira is up!)
GM • City of Stories

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