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The Goddess Smiles (LM, House of the Heavens, Event)

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 8:40 am
by Jewel
In better times now would be when the high priestess would lead the pious in their prayers of thanks to Shilah. Unfortunately with the dire events of the previous day such was not to be the case. Instead throughout the city the faithful were lost and fearful in need of guidance and support.

Re: The Goddess Smiles (LM, House of the Heavens, Event)

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 7:00 am
by Jewel
Choose one of the following approaches

Reassure the Faithful:

Roll Courtier (Rhetoric)/Awareness TN15

Paragon of Compassion, Failure of Compassion, Blessing of Akbar the Irrigator, and Curse of Akbar the Irrigator apply. This is considered a roll to convince someone but is not a contested roll.
Insensitive increases the TN by 5 unless you spend a Void towards the disadvantage. Disbeliever increases the TN by 10.

Success, and each successful raise, gives 1 Day Point.

Lead the Faithful:

Roll Theology/Intelligence TN15

Paragon of Compassion, Failure of Compassion, Blessing of Akbar the Irrigator, and Curse of Akbar the Irrigator apply.
Characters with Disbeliever cannot take this approach.

Success, and each successful raise, gives 1 Day Point.

Re: The Goddess Smiles (LM, House of the Heavens, Event)

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 8:12 am
by Soraya al-Menjari
Having heard of the tragedy, Soraya goes to do what she can. While she's not especially religious, she has a soft spot for the common people of the city and the Goddess, so she tries to bring hope to both.

Fortunately, many recognize her, due to the fame of her beauty and generosity about the city. And her putting her all every year in dancing for the Goddess at the midwinter festival. So even with hope lost, many people put their faith in the Dahabi princess' words, the words, they say, of the woman who tamed a Khadi...

Day 4, LM, the Goddess Smiles, Reassure the Faithful, Courtier/Awareness TN15, 2 raises, TN25, Void 1k1 | 7k4 ⇒ 30 (TN: 25)

3 Day points

Re: The Goddess Smiles (LM, House of the Heavens, Event)

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 8:22 am
by Al-Haddar
Al-Haddar's knowledge of religion was very complicated.

Simply put, for personal reasons, he had focused all his sudden and recent interest about the sacred on how holy people dealt with ghuls, ghosts, and other monsters.

Which made for not exactly the hopeful sermon people were in dire need at the time.

"For the faithful must know that outside of Shilah's night, there is only the darkness, and the horrors that lie within. For those who have stray away from the path, that have been lacking in their devotion, that have lied, cheated, sinned, those will face alone the beasts with many mouths, the dead eyes that see, the whispers that madden."


D4LM | House of the Heavens | Lead the Faithful
Theology/Intelligence | Base TN: 15 | 3 Called Raises | Final TN: 30 | 4k3 ⇒ 22 (TN: 30)


Re: The Goddess Smiles (LM, House of the Heavens, Event)

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 2:54 pm
by Cassim
Telling people what they wanted to know was easy...right?

Cassim certainly thinks so.


D4LM-The Goddess Smiles-Courtier/Awareness-TN 15 | 4k3 ⇒ 20 (TN: 15) Pass, +1 day point

Re: The Goddess Smiles (LM, House of the Heavens, Event)

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 5:04 pm
by Faruq Al-Farhan
Faruq was certainly no preacher. But growing up in a pious household and hearing his father's prayers every morning, before each meal and before bed, and staying around while his parents discussed the teachings of Mekhem with neighbours had some effect, at least.

Awaken the courage that sleeps in the heart of the common man, the prophet had said.

Maybe he could do some of that...

"Rofaqa! We all know the prophet's words - Wherever there is Light, there is also Shadow. On a day like this, when the Goddess' eyes slowly begin to open more widely again, we do well to remember the opposite. Wherever there is Shadow, there is also Light. Even in the darkest night, we must remember the light - that of the previous day, to keep us sure; that to come in some hours, to keep us confident; and that we find within us, to light our path. A man who cannot wait and watch sees beauty in nothing, so the little teacher. So, today, let us watch Shilah's gaze. Let us learn from it. And let us wait - and act - for the beauty of better days"

He had some idea of how better days might be brought, himself.

"Whatever each of us can do to bring better days, rofaqa, we should not refrain from doing it. Even if to one person. If each of us who can do so feeds one child or poor man each day, one day we'll see no child go hungry. If each of us brings a brick and company, one day we'll see none abandoned or without a roof. Wait, watch, and act, and we'll see beauty built around us, rofaqa!"

He wish he could be more convincing... but he himself, was convinced, at least. And maybe, if he convinced one person, and this person convinced someone else, that could do something.


D4 LM - The Goddess Smiles (Day) - Lead the Faithful, Lore: Theology/Int TN 15 | 4k3 ⇒ 23 (TN: 15) - 1 Day Point!

Re: The Goddess Smiles (LM, House of the Heavens, Event)

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 7:51 pm
by Qara al-Hazaad
"Do not worry! It may seem like a dark times, but recall...your priestess gave her life for a cause, and that cause is you, and Shilah's blessing upon you. Be strong my fellows!"

Qara gave a completely insincere speech, and people seemed to eat it up. Wee?

D4 LM Courtier/Awa, 1 CR, tn 20 | 4k3 ⇒ 45 (TN: 20)
2 Day points

Re: The Goddess Smiles (LM, House of the Heavens, Event)

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 8:49 pm
by Qasim al-Basiri
A late night with little rest and a rather stimulating morning was leaving Qasim both a little tired and in good spirits. Soraya had expressed her desire to go to the church that morning rather than lay in bed and relax and while Qasim believed religion was mostly a crock used to placate the common folk he relented easily. Even if she had stopped trying to wrap him around her finger he was surely as the sun rises.

Once there Qasim was easily in his element he traveled along the streets and buildings with Sora helping to assuage the feelings of despair and fear among the faithful. His reputation as a silver tongue was certainly given some credence this day.

And there was something else mixed in among the comforting words and soothing phrases. Again Qasim saw opportunity, pain and fear were powerful tools but also easy to manipulate and weave. Many other those the merchant spoke with that day would walk away feeling better but also with seeds of doubt in their heart.

D4 LM event courtier/awa disbeliever penalty, blessing, vp +1k1 2 cr tn 35 | 8k6 ⇒ 42 (TN: 35)

3 day points

D4 LA eroding the faith of the masses courtier/awa, blessing | 7k5 ⇒ 50 (TN: ?)

Re: The Goddess Smiles (LM, House of the Heavens, Event)

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 1:48 pm
by Ide Rettousei
Somehow, the attention that Rettousei has attracted over the past few days continues to surround him, and he finds a small crowd gathering to hear him. Seeing the plaintive faces of the people around him, he takes a deep breath, and from somewhere within him, he finds the right words to say.

Does he ever!

Afterward, it would be said that a stranger from the east arrived to give comfort to the people, and that the sun rises in the east is not lost upon those who hear such words.

Reassure the Faithful, base TN 15 Raised 3x to 30, passed at 51,
+4 Day Points

Re: The Goddess Smiles (LM, House of the Heavens, Event)

Posted: Tue May 31, 2022 5:14 pm
by Meresanhk
Meresahnk gave a short speech about how the goddess in this time of need had smile upon the city and that in the adversity of time of strife one must pray and have faith in the plan of the gods.

//D4 LM The Goddess Smile event Reassure the faithful Courtier Awa 2CR Tn 25 | 6k3 ⇒ 34 (TN: 25)
3 day points