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[D3 LN] Wealth Redistribution Programme (No One's Safe 2 - Faruq and "Grandiose Akbar" aka Bazir)

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 11:41 pm
by Faruq Al-Farhan
That first time he'd seen his father taking something from a stall had been traumatic in many ways. His family was a very moral one, and he had dreamed again and again with that incident. He imagined time and again how his father felt being forced to do something that was anathema to his own beliefs.

But much water had crossed the Nahr'umar since then. He had to travel rough roads many ways to keep alive, and he'd learned in many ways that not all that's seen as 'wrong' is necessarily bad. Context changes much and defines much.

And, more and more with each year since... that time, he was convinced the fate of the poor and much of the city's misery came in no small part from the choices of the wealthy.

So when that odd person, the Grandiose Akbar, approached him asking if he would be interested in a "Project" of sorts, he didn't need so much convincing. He would never do this for his own benefit... but, depending on how the "project" went, there was so many ways the spoils could be used to help those who need it most!

So he went to contacts and heard the word on the streets. It didn't take long to find a good source of redistribution - a large estate, probably linked to the Dahabi in some way.

Which was just as well, given their power, their influence - and their notorious greed.

D3 LN - No One's Safe - Robin Hood crew. Lore: Underworld/Int, TN 15 | 4k3 ⇒ 34 (TN: 15)

Re: [D3 LN] Wealth Redistribution Programme (No One's Safe 2 - Faruq and "Grandiose Akbar" aka Bazir)

Posted: Sat May 28, 2022 12:44 am
by Bazir
Sow the wind, reap the storm they say. What your are not told is that is true for good deeds as well: Sow the rotten fruits of ill gotten gains and you may see an orchard grow to feed the hungry.

Some in the city would agree

It was thought the contact of the thief he had let go that 'The Grandiose Akbar' had learned of a man able and, thankfully, willing to see a bit of justice get done. It might not be much in the grand scheme but from event the tiniest get it.

Wearing his blue djinn mask with a puffy robe full of multicolored ribbons the man approached the entrance guard in a surprising hurry

''Oh I late?'' he said, panting

Seeing the guards befuddled he elaborated

''I am from the troupe...I was hired to entertain...'' he gasped some more ''...entertain the guests.''

Having finally caught his breath he interrupted the second guard's beginning of a question

''Yes! I am late...I am sorry...please...I have mouths to feed'' there was the beginning of a sob ''I don't want be in trouble''

Relenting, the guards let both men in

No One's safe, deceit to entry: Nima's, no one of import for -5 to TN, +3 to TN for second person (Faruq), +1 to roll for coop. Final TN:18 | 5k4+1 ⇒ 22 (TN: 18)

Now inside the mansion Akbar tossed the tassels inside the first urn they crossed and both man walked toward the room they suspected had the best loot

No One's safe, finding the valuables: investigate, +2 for coop | 5k3+1 ⇒ 26 (TN: 10)

And they were right on the money

Re: [D3 LN] Wealth Redistribution Programme (No One's Safe 2 - Faruq and "Grandiose Akbar" aka Bazir)

Posted: Sat May 28, 2022 1:06 am
by Faruq Al-Farhan
Faruq's "performer" outfit, in turn, was rather plain - the main change from his usual clothes was that the keffiyeh was wrapped around both head and mouth, covering 'some' of his features. Not something he did often - and not something he *had* to do often either. But since Akbar had told him of the plan, he decided showing his whole face might not be the best idea.

They did get inside without any trouble, though. So far, so good.

Now where were these valuables? And what they be?

As they got to one of the inside rooms, they saw what they were looking to redistribute. Jewels, silverware, apparently also some rare textiles. Maybe there could even be some cashmere among all that?

It was all awfully easy to reach, though... Could they have been that lucky?


D3 LN - No One's Safe - Complication roll | 1k1 ⇒ 1 (TN: ?) - Trapped items!

Re: [D3 LN] Wealth Redistribution Programme (No One's Safe 2 - Faruq and "Grandiose Akbar" aka Bazir)

Posted: Sat May 28, 2022 2:13 am
by Bazir
As both men eyed the location warily the wires became evident. A good thing it was not greed that motivated them to act or else the treasure might have blinded them to the trap!

No One's safe, Trap? investigation: +2 for coop | 5k3+2 ⇒ 37 (TN: 20)

''A complication here my friend'' he turned to the doctor ''Can you handle it?''

Re: [D3 LN] Wealth Redistribution Programme (No One's Safe 2 - Faruq and "Grandiose Akbar" aka Bazir)

Posted: Sat May 28, 2022 2:26 am
by Faruq Al-Farhan
The keffiyeh-covered face nodded, a smile noticeable on his eyes. "Hopefully handling scalpels and stitching needles made my hands agile enough", he says in a low, muffled voice with a grin.

The mechanism actually proved more complicated than he had expected, but thankfully his hands were agile enough, so after some time the mechanism was successfully deactivated, and their way to the shining jewels and high-quality textiles was free.


D3 EN - Wealth redistribution. Sleight of Hand/Agi TN 10 to disarm trap | 4k3 ⇒ 14 (TN: 10) - Awful roll, but enough to get by!

Re: [D3 LN] Wealth Redistribution Programme (No One's Safe 2 - Faruq and "Grandiose Akbar" aka Bazir)

Posted: Sat May 28, 2022 3:46 pm
by Faruq Al-Farhan
With the valuables secured, it's time for the 'terrific two' to find their way out - hopefully as uneventfully as they had got in. Working in concert with Akbar, both pointing out guard's positions and all, Faruq easily keeps to the shadow, his feet silent in spite of the silverware and textiles he's dragging around.

They were almost out.


D3 EN - Wealth redistribution. Stealth/Agi to get out; +2 from Akbar's cooperation, TN 20 | 7k3+2 ⇒ 24 (TN: 20) - Kinda shitty roll but safe!

Re: [D3 LN] Wealth Redistribution Programme (No One's Safe 2 - Faruq and "Grandiose Akbar" aka Bazir)

Posted: Sat May 28, 2022 10:17 pm
by Faruq Al-Farhan
With Faruq and Akbar helping each other, they quickly make their way out with the valuables in tow. Once out, Faruq leads the way, saying "he knew someone".

Not the best person they could find, possibly, but it was easy enough, and with some luck they should be able to get enough for a decent amount of wealth redistribution.

Posting Akbar's roll as asked by Bazir's player:

No one's safe: Escape, coop, void | 5k3+3 ⇒ 39 (TN: 20) - Safe!

And the roll to find a fence. Of COURSE I roll a 28 in one die when I choose not to call 2 raises :lol:

D3 LN - Fencing. VP, 1 Raise called so TN 15. | 5k4 ⇒ 45 (TN: 15)

So just the Commerce roll to go!

Re: [D3 LN] Wealth Redistribution Programme (No One's Safe 2 - Faruq and "Grandiose Akbar" aka Bazir)

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 6:40 am
by Faruq Al-Farhan
With Akbar's business acumen, an agreement with Faruq's contact is quickly reached. With that, the hard part of the Wealth redistribution programme was done. Now it was just a matter of... well, redistributing.


Sell the loot, FR from Faruq | 6k3 ⇒ 37 (TN: 15)

Re: [D3 LN] Wealth Redistribution Programme (No One's Safe 2 - Faruq and "Grandiose Akbar" aka Bazir)

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 6:52 am
by Jewel
20 copper becomes 10 each which means 2 Night Points each