Player Characters

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Re: Player Characters

Post by Al-Haddar » Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:13 am

Name: Al-Haddar
Age: ?
Origin: Mekham
Build: Meek
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: ~5'3"

On guard duty at the hottest hour of the day? Al-Haddar will be around with some fresh water.
Feeling peckish and the next true meal is still far away? Al-Haddar has just the snack for you.
Want to look beautiful? Al-Haddar will show up the last fashion in fabric in hand.

Anything you might need Al-Haddar will provide! For the right price. And assuming that's something he can easily buy on the market for half the price he will ask of you later.

Just one of the many small-time peddlers working in the Jewel really. Unremarkable in all aspects, even physically: He is one of these guys that could be anywhere between their late teens and their early forties, who look like your average youngster without facial hair and like your average youngster trying to look older than his age with it.

  • Do you have money to spare? Al-Haddar is not a rich man and rarely looks down on an occasion to butter up his bread.
  • Has lived his whole live in some of the worst quarters of the city and quite adept at making the best of it.
  • Speak. Way. Too. Much.
Mekham • "Diplomat" • Peddler • Chatterbox • Bland
Influence: Simple citizen (1) | Reputation: None to speak of (1) | Integrity: What? (1.5)
Languages: Mekham, Senpet / Carries: Anything you might want to buy / Profile

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Arash Karuvah
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Re: Player Characters

Post by Arash Karuvah » Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:45 am

Name: Arash Karuvah
Age: 21
Origin: Invinda
Build: Athletic
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Height: ~5'9"
Starring in: A feast of Arrows

In the Ivory Kingdoms, in the tales of the Invinda, there's always a Kshatirya with a noble bearing, handsome face, kind heart and the fighting prowess of a tiger given human form. Then there is reality, where these qualities don't always manifest, to put it kindly. And then there is Arash, whose family firmly believe he stepped out from the tales themselves.

Arash is a high ranking noble from House Karuvah, here to build better alliances with the Jewel and the many empires visiting it. His dedication to this duty is firm, some would say extreme. He volunteers his time with the khadi, keeping the peace where it is needed, though despite his demonstrated skills with his tulwar, he prefers de-escelation. When not on duty, he also spends time among the poor of the city, distributing copper, food and water, considering it his duty to protect and nurture those in lesser station to him, easing their temporal suffering as much as he can.

He has been in the Jewel for about a year now, and he finally seems to have found his place. Recently though, the Invinda have seen some new arrivals come from the homeland, and rumors say Arash' bride-to-be is among them. The young man definitely seems more forlorn recently, and seems to be throwing himself into the archery contest to get away from something...or someone.

- Arash helps others when he can, believing it to be his duty
- You might have seen him patrolling, usually he is not assigned to the seedier parts of the town, considering his station, but he still does his job
- He has worked together with the Order of the Ebon Hand in the past, delivering aid to the poor
- Arash has a sister in the city as well, who handles more of the usual diplomatic duties with the other nations, when not embroiled in intrigues or artistic pursuits
Last edited by Arash Karuvah on Tue May 17, 2022 1:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Invinda * Kshatriya * Warrior * Prodigy * Khadi's Hound * Betrothed
Influence: 1/3/1 * Reputation: 1.0 * Integrity: Honorable
Languages: Mekhem, Ivindi
Carries on duty: Tulwar, light armor, shield
Carries off duty: elegant clothing, kukri

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Re: Player Characters

Post by Asher » Mon Apr 26, 2021 6:08 pm

Name: Asher al'Basiri
Age: 23
Origin: Dahabi
Build: Athletic
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Amber

Third son of the brother of one of the senior members of House Basiri, Asher is a well educated merchant patron known to own a shop just off the bazaar called "Asher's Antiquities" The shop carries a wide variety of items and artifacts of dubious providence and also acts as a pawn broker of sorts, willing to buy items brought in by patrons without asking a lot of questions. This has lead with some rumors of the shop selling stolen goods or even acting as a clearing house for items recovered by grave robbers. Nothing of course that has been proven, or at least prosecutable.

He can be seen around town with his constant shadow, who goes by the name "Jadzia"

gorilla-1.jpg (99.6 KiB) Viewed 5582 times

- Local Boy - Asher grew up in the area
- Never Alone - Asher is typically shadowed by Jadzia, his best friend, who happens to be a gorilla
- Educated - Asher is a known scholar in many areas, and knowledgable of a wide variet of subjects
- Archeologist - Asher is a member of the Tomb Raiders Guild
- Fence - Asher's shop acts as a pawn broker and they don't ask a lot of questions about thier asquisitions
- Nobility - Asher is a member of house Basiri
Last edited by Asher on Mon May 16, 2022 6:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mekham * Dahabi * House Basiri * Diplomat * Archeologist * Merchant * Curious * Linguist * Local
Influence: City 1 / Dahabi 2/ Faction 1 * Reputation: Glory 3.3/Infamy 0 * Integrity: What is Expected

Speaks: Mekhet, Senpet, Ra'Shari, Yodatai, Rokugani, Invidi
Street Equipment: Nice Clothes, Canteen, Locksmith tools, Calligraphy Kit, Flint & Tinder, Knife
Field Equipment: Sturdy Clothes, Pack, Torches, Rope & Grapple, Blanket, Rations
Companion: Jadzia (Gorilla) - Equipment: Canteen & Medical Kit

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Re: Player Characters

Post by Raya » Mon Apr 26, 2021 6:14 pm

Name: Raya
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5’8
Build: Lithe
Marital status: Single
Hair colour: Black and wild
Eye colour: Brown

The Caravan of Entertainment is, as the name would hint, a place of fun and joy. Raya is the typical Ra’Shari in this. She’s loud, she’s bouncy, she’s excitable, and she tells stories. She even dances! The way she acts, like she has no cares in the world, would make many think she’s living her life entirely on display. She seems to always be dressed brightly, and often underdressed in flowing clothes.

She seemed unconcerned with any ill feelings towards Ra'Shari, smiling at those who look down on her and being very easy to strike up a conversation with.

Update for Shortest days game

Raya has recently returned from a trip outside the city - personal business, but there is a bit of a quiet focus about her that those who know her well may notice from time to time. With the Caravan of Entertainment gone she is staying with the Caravan of Memory, the eldars allowing her to have a caravan to stay in.
Last edited by Raya on Mon May 16, 2022 10:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Ra'shari * Ninja * Dancer * Pretty * Lovely Voice * Sweet * Exciteable * Quiet when she wants to be * Profile
Influence: 1 | Reputation: 2.3 | Integrity: Untrustworthy
Equipment: Dancers clothing (almost all the time), a smile, a pack of cards and a bubbily attitude. Maybe a knife
Languages: Mekhem, Ra'Shari

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Ali ibn Farid
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Re: Player Characters

Post by Ali ibn Farid » Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:42 pm

Name: Ali ibn Farid
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Height: 5’9
Build: Lean warrior
Marital status: Single
Hair colour: Dark brown
Eye colour: Also dark brown

Ali is a young man who has clearly both seen and experienced hardship, although he approaches both stoically. He lives in the Maze, goes to work doing manual labor in other parts of the city, and sometimes visiting his parents in a different part of the maze. Fellow trained warriors might recognize the way he carries himself as that of a trained warrior... or anyone might see him doing a shift as a guard from time to time. He seems to frown and smile in roughly equal proportions, depending on whether he's talking with someone or thinking.

More secretly, Ali is an Ebonite, with all that being an Ebonite entails. Fighting for the right, upholding justice, defending the weak... but mostly making sure that no one messes with this one rock.

Do you like doing good deeds? Helping the hopeless? Basically all the things above, except making sure no one messes with that one rock?
Are you also an Ebonite? You can talk about that one rock!
Ali grew up in the city, and knows it... well, kinda well. Some parts better than others.
Ali is a fun guy to patrol or explore with. Or both!
Mekham * Ebonite (secret!) * Templar (also secret!) * Destiny! * Khadi's Dog
Influence: 1/1/1 * Reputation: Glorious 1.1 Infamous 1 * Integrity: Honorable
Carries on duty: Longsword, light armor, bow
Carries off duty: Sturdy Clothing, knife

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Re: Player Characters

Post by Sada-al-Haffit » Tue Apr 27, 2021 7:07 pm

Name: Sada-al-Haffit
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Origin: Dahabi (House Haffit)
Build: Slim
Hair: Shoulder length, black
Marital status: happily married

Usually dressed in practical clothing, Sada loves to include a few geometric designs in her clothing usually reminiscent of wild life in the rivers her new family are tasked with regulating. There always seems to be a willingness to listen to other people out.

Born to a master carpenter of the Rashid family, Sada tends to look around for details in the buildings around her. This attention to detail certainly helps her out with the new
water distribution center she was put in charge of. Sure it may not be big yet, but there's enough tables and sitting area that people can take a few minutes out of the sun before they move this important supply to wherever it may need to go.

Here's hoping the opportunities abound in this city lend themselves well to this logically and business minded lady
Dahabi| House Haffit| Water distribution business owner
Influence 1| Reputation 1| Integrity 2.5
Sage, Very Wealthy, and ready to help

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Lamis Naaji
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Re: Player Characters

Post by Lamis Naaji » Wed Apr 28, 2021 3:44 am

Name: Lamis Naaji
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Height: 5’4"
Build: Athletic
Marital status: Single
Hair color: Warm brown, usually hidden
Eye color: Deep brown

The sharp eye can see the sun Lamis has ridden under by the richer shades along the seams of her clothing and flashed from the inner side of her headscarf, where Shilah couldn't steal the brightness of the dyes. Anyone can see the deep tan lines at wrist and throat as she moves. Anyone close can catch a whiff of Janan, ever present--even when she's relaxing and trying every trick to beg treats off strangers who may not be wise to her ways.

Dark eyes offer courtesy, but little more at a glance. Her bearing and the callouses along her fingers mean that one could place some fairly sure bets about why she's ridden into the city just now. Those who saw her riding in with bow and arrows bundled among her gear just get the absolutely solid bet, if they can find anyone willing to gamble their coin away. By the way everything catches her eye in the busy city, it's fairly apparent she hasn't been here before...or at least not often enough for the flash and bustle to become background atmosphere yet.


Newb in the city is an opportunity, possibly to see if you're a quicker pickpocket than she is with that knife, possibly just to brag about the wonders of your fair city? Maybe just see if Nomads can appreciate proper coffee?

Focused on competition means focus on gossip about the competitors. Trade a little, get a little?

Nomads are outsiders, are you keeping an eye on all these strangers? What happens when the stranger notices?

Do you also have a horse? Maybe a ride away from the overstimulation of the city is in order.
Mekham * Nomad * Ninja (secret) * Warrior-flavored (not secret) * Very new in town * Janan's rider
Influence-City 0, Origin 2, Faction 1 * Glorious 1, Infamous 0 * Integrity- Honorless

Equipment usually present: Comfortable Nomad's clothing and jewelry, Knife (Kindjal)

Languages: Mekham, Ivindi

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Re: Player Characters

Post by Meresanhk » Sun May 02, 2021 3:03 pm

Gender: Female
Age: ?
Height: 5’6"
Build: Slim
Marital status: Single
Hair color: Long silky Black
Eye color: Brown

Meresanhk is a diplomat from the Senpet empire who gets lost easily. She tends to analyze people specifically men. Her glare could intimidate some but it is her job to discover what flaws are there.

Am I lost? Probably yes ... Will I admit it? No
Want a card read? Probaby better with the Ra'shari but I can try.
Need an appraisal? Not the best but can get by
•Senpet •Unaligned •Experienced •Diplomat •Wanderer •Dangerous Beauty
Reputation:1/1/1 Integrity: 4.5 Influence: 1

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Claudia Gabinus
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Re: Player Characters

Post by Claudia Gabinus » Mon May 16, 2022 4:01 am

Name: Claudia Gabinus
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Height: 5’7"
Build: Stocky
Marital status: Single
Hair color: Black, usually worn in a tail
Eye color: Light Brown (133.37 KiB) Viewed 4298 times
A curious traveler from far away, Claudia has come to The Jewel to learn what she can of local medical practices, now if only she could find her way back...Despite her only middling command of the local language the inquisitive Yodotai seems quite taken with this strange city, even if she's not sure she truly understands the comings and goings. A small stipend from her family has allowed the surgeon to rent a modest house in a comfortable neighborhood and each morning she sets out to learn, and usually around sundown an hour or two after she intended, she returns.

Those who know her well might notice Claudia occasionally lapses into conversation and even shouting matches, with thin air. But perhaps that is just the way of these strange foreigners? And eccentricities are easily overlooked when you offer free healing to the local poor.


New to the Jewel and happy to just putter around, tends to get lost frequently. Claudia is always up to explore the city.

Be careful if you let on you're learned, she's likely to ask a lot of questions.

Need some surgery? A healer's door is always open.

Are you magical? Yodotai aren't, Claudia is likely to find it rather fascinating.
Yodotai * Surgeon * Wanderer * Fights If She Has To * Very Haunted * Thirsty For Knowledge*
Influence: City 1, Origin 1, Faction 1 *Glorious 1, Infamous 0* Integrity: Average

Equipment usually present: Pugio, toga, medicine kit, surgeon’s kit, traveling pack.
If socially acceptable: Sword/Shield/Armour/Ghost

Languages: Mekham, Yodotai

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Re: Player Characters

Post by Zara » Fri May 20, 2022 12:36 am

Gender: Female
Age: Late Teens
Height: 5’4"
Build: Athletic
Marital Status: Single
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Amber

Zara inherited a small, but successful, curio shop from her father. Malik was a well respected man who was helpful and generous towards his fellow merchants. While respected for who her father was, Zara doesn't carry the same reputation. She's young and inexperienced. Many question her ability to manage her families affairs. Some see her as spoiled and privileged, a princess in her own mind. Others have noticed strangers lurking about her and wonder what mischief she's gotten herself into.

Few of these rumormongers, however, would dare cross Malik's daughter. Respect for him and his legacy is too great and there are still many in the city who would come to her defence. For now, everyone watches to see what she makes of herself.
Mekham ◇ Diplomat ◇ Merchant ◇ Wealthy ◇ Beautiful ◇ Daring ◇ Quiet ◇ Mischievous
Influence: 1/2/1 □ Reputation: Glorious 1/Infamous 0 □ Integrity: Very Little
Languages: Mekham, Ivindi

Generally Finely Dressed and Carrying: Silver Ring,, Coin Purse, Water, Knife

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