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Closing Celebration (EE, Outside the Gates of the Houses of Dahab, Event)

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 2:53 pm
by Jewel
As Majdala Rashid deliberates on who to declare her champion and extend her boon as promised the streets outside of the gates have once more been lined with heaping tables of food and drink. The fest is coming to an end, the winner shall be chosen, and all those who survive shall celebrate!

Final Boasts
You may make a Perform: Oratory/Awareness roll on your behalf or on behalf of a participant in the tournament. The TN is 25 reduced by 5 for each event in which they placed first, second, or third. On success they gain an additional +.1 Glorious Reputation per success and raise on the roll. If the successful roll was made for another party the person making the roll gains half the Reputation reward as well as they tie their name to the other's success.

If the roll is failed the person making the roll (not the target, if the target was not yourself) gains +.1 Infamous Reputation per failure and raise on the roll. This full amount is suffered even if you were making the roll about someone else.

Re: Closing Celebration (EE, Outside the Gates of the Houses of Dahab, Event)

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 5:57 pm
by Al-Haddar
Al-Haddar wasn't sure if it was his turn to talk, or if there was a turn order, or even if he was allowed to talk. But the circumstances had given him a platform, and he felt like he had to use it. So he stood and raised his cup:

"I've heard that in the east, they have a proverb. The arrow knows the way. I'm not well versed enough in archery or philosophy to comment on the veracity of this statement. Today, it certainly didn't feel like the arrows knew what they were doing, unless it was their destiny to get lost into the sands or to strike down the worthy.

At least, for most arrows. Among the rain of simple sticks of wood, a few arrows stood out, filled with the will of the people who shot them, overflowing with so much power they struck true through the veil of pain and fear.

The most impressive of all was certainly Lamis Naaji's shot, how it winded along the path of two arrows going for her own face to find its true mark. Even more than a prowess of archery, it was a demonstration about what it means to be alive.

About how, even in the middle of a maelstrom of death and despair, one can spot the one path that laughs in the face of the stacked odds and achieve great success.

About how the seemingly impossible is never further away than one perfect action at the perfect time."

He swallowed the toast and sat down.

It was neither about archery or about the nomad girl, was it? whispered the ghostly voice of his brother.

Al-Haddar didn't answer, but he was shivering slightly, half expecting for the Khadi guards to immediately reach out for him.

That was dumb... But I'm damn proud of you.


D4EE | Boasting for Lamis Naaji | Perform: Oratory/Awareness | Base TN most likely to be 15 (placed well in 2nd and 3rd event) | VP for skill | 1 raise (final TN: 20): 4d10o10k3 36 -> +0.2 Reputation for Lamis Naaji

Re: Closing Celebration (EE, Outside the Gates of the Houses of Dahab, Event)

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 4:13 am
by Jewel
After those who wished to had time to speak Majdala rose to her feet, commanding despite her sleight stature. Again her voice was heard clearly by all around despite the noise of merriment and sounding only softly spoken.

"Thank you to all who have joined us, these last three days, in our festivities and celebrations of the fine art of archery. I especially extend my thanks, and my gratitude, to those who have put their skills on display for us all to enjoy."

She claps softly, quickly joined by others in thunderous applause, it did not do to keep a Khadi waiting after all.

"But one must stand above others and let the waning eye of Shilah see that, this day, it is Yarut, of the Moto, who has risen above the rest. Her prowess and focus show truth the stories of her ferocious people... and those of the discerning insight of the House Menjari to sponsor such a warrior by way of the Lady Soraya al-Menjari. These two have earned their fame, and a solid purse, this day and I look forward to hearing what favor I can bestow."

Another wave of applause, this one much more spontaneous and heartfelt on behalf of those gathered.

"One other must be acknowledged this day. In the face of danger they showed iron will and, even injured, dealt me the fiercest blow of all these fine warriors gathered here. To the nomad Lamis Naaji, in addition to her other winnings, I gift my own bow so that she may forever have a trophy of this incredible display."

Once final cheers and applause begin to fade Majdala claps her hands, the sound echoing across the Thoroughfare.

"Thus ends our competition but not our celebration! Eat! Drink!"