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A Princess' Plight (EM, Off the Thoroughfare, Closed)

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 9:22 am
by Jewel
(Closed for now to Soraya al-Menjari and Aydi al-Qais)


A deep restful sleep had followed a long, eventful day, and Soraya woke once again to the morning sun. Following her morning ablutions and preparations she slipped back into the city to see what new wonders the day might bring now that the festival was to be properly underway.

She noted the tables being setup and stocked with food but continued to walk further to the Thoroughfare proper to take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the merchants hawking their wares in hopes that something interesting might catch her eye.

It was not long, however, before a strong, rough hand was on her wrists - though lightly so - and she found herself pulled to a side street.

The hand, it seemed, was attached to Joab one of her father's trusted guard, "Sayyeda! You should not be out here unaccompanied! Where have you been? Your father is worried sick!"


Aydi's night had been less restful. With his premonition of an ill fate for the al-Menjari 'princess' weighing on his mind he tossed and turned though eventually managed enough to not be exhausted.

That morning he swiftly set to following up the foretelling and what he was hearing was not good. Soraya had already attracted much attention and, while many thought it a trap or trick, there were certainly those criminals of the more brave (or foolhardy) nature who saw potential in such a sweet prize. He knew that if any were to make a move they would likely do so quickly so as not to be beaten to their goal.

Setting out he began to search the city for the Dahabi and finally spotted her being pulled into a side street....

Re: A Princess' Plight (EM, Off the Thoroughfare, Closed)

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 9:42 am
by Aydi al-Qais
Not thinking much, Aydi jolted into a run to save the lady in distress! And barking Aydi likely followed!

Re: A Princess' Plight (EM, Off the Thoroughfare, Closed)

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 4:17 pm
by Soraya al-Menjari
Sora had been startled a moment before recognizing the man, instantly calming down.

"Ah... Joab! So you saw... I was about to head out to the Ra'Shari caravan and just thought I might..."

She looked down at her hand.

"B-Besides, daddy gave me permission to be on my own during the festival as long as I didn't go too far from home."

Soraya tried putting on some imperious aires to seem more authoritative.

"And the market is hardly TOO far from home, no?"

Re: A Princess' Plight (EM, Off the Thoroughfare, Closed)

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 4:42 pm
by Jewel
Joab blanched a little, "Ra'shari... what? If your father were to hear of this he'd have our heads and possibly yours... spending time with deviants and thieves!"

As Aydi tore into the alley the body language became apparent that this man was not the threat to Soraya he might have first assumed. But were there other threats about?

(Investigation/Perception (Notice) from everyone)

Re: A Princess' Plight (EM, Off the Thoroughfare, Closed)

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 4:47 pm
by Soraya al-Menjari
"They are NOT deviants, or thieves!"

The young woman stomped her foot.

"They were very gracious hosts and they showed me many interesting things. And I left in the morning perfectly safe and with all my possessions."

The Dahabi princess pouted and... well, to say she was oblivious to anything else might have been an understatement. She was lucky to barely have noticed Aydi coming around the corner.

((investigation roll))

Re: A Princess' Plight (EM, Off the Thoroughfare, Closed)

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 5:27 pm
by Aydi al-Qais
Aydi had a bit to take in seeing how the man who had seemed a threat in fact wasn't one; it might have dampened his peripheral focus, but perhaps not enough to miss the true threat if there was one!

"Sayyeda, I thought you've been assailed, but it looks not to be so." He explained his sudden appearance.

EM2. Notice!: 6d10o10k3 21

Re: A Princess' Plight (EM, Off the Thoroughfare, Closed)

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 6:40 pm
by Jewel
But looks can be deceiving. Though Joab was not a threat it did not mean there were no threats.

From behind the arguing princess and bodyguard three figures emerged from the sewers having risked the short jaunt to better hide their advance.
"I'll get her, you two slow them down!" One of the three shouted.

Though Soraya and Joab were taken by surprise as their assailants fell upon them Aydi had a moment longer to catch his bearings. Though the thug was still faster than he was he at least saw it coming.

(Round 1:

Surprise round again Soraya and Joab.

Ghosting Aydi's initiative = 7. Aydi may declare stance.
Soraya and Joab will roll initiative on Round 2
Kezia and Raya will join on Round 3

Initiative order:
Sneaky Sneak on Soraya: 22 - Attack Stance, Unwounded, TN20
Sneaky Sneak on Joab: 20 - Attack Stance, Unwounded, TN20
Sneaky Sneak on Aydi: 19 - Attack Stance, Unwounded, TN20
Aydi: 7 - Attack Stance, Unwounded, TN15)

Re: A Princess' Plight (EM, Off the Thoroughfare, Closed)

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 6:49 pm
by Jewel
The first of the assailants, and apparently their leader, moves quickly to attempt to cover Soraya's mouth and pull her towards the sewer. As the figure draws closer Soraya suspects it is female in form though it is hard to tell under the rags they have used to disguise themselves and a rough, gravelly voice.

Much to the bandit's surprise, and perhaps Soraya's, she succeeds in only coming away with a handful of fabric instead of her true prize.


(Grapple roll vs Soraya's TN 20 = 18)

Their comrade has better luck as they tackle Joab at the knees taking the big man to the ground in a tangle of limbs.

(Grapple roll vs Joab's TN 15 = Success)

(Waiting on Aydi's stance before determining attack on him)

Re: A Princess' Plight (EM, Off the Thoroughfare, Closed)

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 7:13 pm
by Jewel
The third thug manages to throw their arms around Aydi, slowing him down and trying to prevent him from drawing his weapon.

(Grapple roll vs Aydi's TN 15 = Success)

(Aydi is up but grappled)

Re: A Princess' Plight (EM, Off the Thoroughfare, Closed)

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 7:23 pm
by Aydi al-Qais
Seeing Soraya get away from the assailants made him shout out "Run, Sayyeda!" as he was bracing for the contest of muscles with the thug. Fortunately, he wasn't a squeaky pushover.